United Nations Development Programme (UNDP/PNUD) logo

United Nations Development Programme (UNDP/PNUD)

Working to end poverty, inequality, and climate change and helping countries achieve the Sustainable Development Goals.

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Climate Change
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Poverty Alleviation
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Indigenous Peoples
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UNDP works in about 170 countries and territories, helping to eradicate poverty, reduce inequalities and exclusion, and build resilience so countries can sustain progress. As the UN’s development agency, UNDP plays a critical role in helping countries achieve the Sustainable Development Goals.

Donations made here to United Nations Development Programme (UNDP/PNUD) are made on an unrestricted basis.

New York, NY



  • Andrei Raul Șerban

    Ana Magistrate illegally marriage, Abuse of institutions&bodies not cooperating, incompetence, dumbness, pronhub movies with Ana from Court of Justice movies through sattelites, Bribery, Corruption, human trafficking, civil conduit broken, ...

  • User or nonprofit avatar
    PRP Sourcing Limited

    At PRP Sourcing Limited, we support the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP/PNUD) in their mission to create a sustainable and equitable world by promoting ethical sourcing, fair trade, and eco-friendly garment manufacturing, ensurin...

  • Dairiimaa Myagmarsuren

    I am from Mongolia and living in the USA. I know how hard it is to prepare the charcoal during the winter and living in the cold polluted city as a kid. I really appreciate how UNDP is making it possible to make a change for many kids growi...

  • Pema Choden

    The highland communities lead lives deeply intertwined with nonhuman beings, especially the yaks. A small donation makes a difference! Cheers and great job to the team!!!

  • Steven Janssen

    Because it's the right thing to do in the Land of the Eternal Blue Sky, and out of gratitude to all the nice people I met in Mongolia.

  • Katie Cropper

    For the kindest people in the world who kept me warm when I was cold. ❤️❤️ I will never be able to give enough back to you.
