Indigenous PeoplesDiscover nonprofits supporting Indigenous Peoples.Discover nonprofits supporting Indigenous Peoples.Raised$2,702,814Supporters2.2kShare
United Nations Development Programme (UNDP/PNUD)New York, NYWorking to end poverty, inequality, and climate change and helping countries achieve the Sustainable Development Goals.Feed nonprofit card link to United Nations Development Programme (UNDP/PNUD) 13334 supportersDonateFeed nonprofit card link to United Nations Development Programme (UNDP/PNUD)
Food Share of Lincoln CountyNewport, ORTo alleviate hunger in Lincoln County by distributing healthy, nutritious food to our agency network & education empowerment.Feed nonprofit card link to Food Share of Lincoln County 8187 supportersDonateFeed nonprofit card link to Food Share of Lincoln County
Center for Disaster PhilanthropyWe strengthen the ability of communities to withstand disasters and recover equitably when they occur.Feed nonprofit card link to Center for Disaster Philanthropy 10121 supportersDonateFeed nonprofit card link to Center for Disaster Philanthropy
Karen Women's OrganizationKWO is an indigenous women’s organisation serving women and girls in our community in Burma and in refugee camps in Thailand. Feed nonprofit card link to Karen Women's Organization 11219 supportersDonateFeed nonprofit card link to Karen Women's Organization
Our Lady's MinistryBrisbane, CAOLM compile's clothing, food, spiritual and material assistance for mission trips to poor countries and those most marginalized. Feed nonprofit card link to Our Lady's Ministry 347 supportersDonateFeed nonprofit card link to Our Lady's Ministry
Ayala Foundation, Inc.PhilippinesShared prosperity for the Philippines, one thriving community at a time.Feed nonprofit card link to Ayala Foundation, Inc. 122 supportersDonateFeed nonprofit card link to Ayala Foundation, Inc.