Temple Garden Foundation (TGF) logo

Temple Garden Foundation (TGF)

Founded in 2008, TGF partners with Cambodian villages for sustainable development and community empowerment to improve livelihoods

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Poverty Alleviation
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Food Security
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Founded in 2008 Temple Garden Foundation (TGF) works in partnership with local villages in Cambodia to improve livelihoods through sustainable development and the empowerment of communities. It supports projects that maximize community participation and minimize external support in four interconnected areas: Water & Sanitation, Health, Children's Education, and Income Generation.

Our Vision:

Empowered rural communities building a sustainable future.

Our Mission:

To work in partnership with communities to provide the resources and support needed to sustainably build livelihoods.

Over the years, TGF has contributed significantly to essential services, fostering a sustainable and self-sufficient environment in the rural area of Chi Kraeng – an area as big as Singapore. By empowering individuals and communities, we are driving sustainable and inclusive development.

Siem Reap, Cambodia



  • Taylor Brown

    Bringing together great people for the right cause. Hats and running shoes off to Oliver and the team for support organisations like TGF that are connecting communities and improving livelihoods

  • David MacDonald

    Five dedicated human beings doing great things for other, less fortunate human beings.

  • Brian Taam

    Thank you for raising awareness of this great cause, and enjoy the run!

  • Jayesh Chatlani

    Best of luck Ben and the rest of the Camoboida Run Challenge team!

  • Dick Siu Tak Ma

    Nice work Oliver!
    All the best, DickMa HK