Foodbank believes everyone should have access to good quality food, no matter their situation. They are here for the everyday people throughout Australia who are going without.
And it's their mission to help change that.
They work with 2,844 frontline charities and 3,379 school breakfast programs to get over 82 million meals out.
17 Food Hubs and Mobile Pantries
Foodbank has 2,625 registered charities. 17 Food Hubs and Mobile Pantries. Foodbank also provides food to 2,980 schools for school breakfast programs and family outreach to help get millions of meals out.
Foodbank also plays a vital role in tackling Australia's $36 billion food waste problem and contributes to climate change solutions by reducing CO2 emissions arising from landfill.
Despits Foodbank's scale and capacity, charities still report that they are not receiving enough food to meet the full need of the people they assist. This is why, with your support, they strive to feed Australians in need every day.
One dollar donated is two meals for someone in need.
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