Iwokrama Friends USA is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization founded in 2004 in the USA to help protect the Iwokrama rainforest. We partner with individuals, foundations, and businesses to help support the Iwokrama International Centre in Guyana, South America β one of the four remaining intact rain forests in the world.
The Iwokrama Forest is a unique reserve of 371,680 hectares (almost 1 million acres) of protected rainforest located in the center of Guyana in South America. It is one of the four remaining intact rainforests in the world. It is home to remarkable biodiversity, mitigates droughts and floods, and supports climate stabilization. The forest also provides food, shelter, timber, and materials for handicrafts and medicines.
The Iwokrama International Centre for Rain Forest Conservation and Development was established in 1996 by a joint agreement between the Government of Guyana and the Commonwealth Secretariat to manage the Iwokrama Forest, a unique reserve of 371,680 hectares of rainforest. Its mission is to promote the conservation and equitable use of tropical rainforests in a manner that will lead to lasting ecological, economic and social benefits to the people of Guyana and to the world in general, by undertaking research, training, and the development and dissemination of technologies.
Donations to Iwokrama Friends USA protects one of the last remaining intact rain forests, saves endangered species. and combats climate change.
Your donation supports the research and conservation of an endangered tropical rain forest and all its biological diversity. You protect the ancestral rights, livelihoods and traditional ways of life of indigenous peoples. And you promote a model of sustainable forest development.
Your donation of:
$50 - supports community development activities with local indigenous populations.
$100 - supports essential monitoring of forest use
$500 - supports the protection of 1/2 a hectare of Iwokrama rainforest
$1000 - fully supports the protection and monitoring of 1 hectare of Iwokrama rainforest.
There are 371,000 hectares of intact rainforest that need our protection and stewardship. Iwokrama's respectful study and use of the forest, and all its biological diversity, is a model for the world's dwindling forests.
Please consider becoming a friend of the Iwokrama rainforest through a donation to Iwokrama Friends USA. These unprecedented times challenge the Iwokrama International Center in Guyana, particularly causing loss of revenues normally raised through tourism and sustainable forestry. Support from friends like you is more important than ever.
BIODIVERSITY - Protection of vital plant and wildlife
VITAL SCIENTIFIC RESEARCH - Research that connects biodiversity, conservation and sustainable use with cultural heritage, collaborative management and social innovation.
INDIGENOUS COMMUNITIES - Expand the relationship between Iwokrama and its indigenous partners, fostering respect and leadership of those who live in and use the Iwokrama Forest.
SUSTAINABLE FORESTRY - Support the responsible management of this unique global asset and demonstrate the wise use forest resources.
ECO-TOURISM - Connect responsible tourism with unique educational opportunities that, in turn, supports rainforest preservation.
FOREST MONITORING - Measure and track changes in key physical and biological components of the rainforest, and surveillance of illegal encroachment.
COMBAT CLIMATE CHANGE - Stem the tide of deforestation. Could anything be more important?
The Mission of Iwokrama Friends USA is to provide financial support and recognition for the Iwokrama International Centre for Rain Forest Conservation and Development in Guyana, South America through developing partnerships and fundraising campaigns. As a volunteer-led nonprofit, we keep our expenses low and send all donations directly to Iwokrama operations in Guyana.
- David Cassells2
Iwokrama is a partnership between the people of Guyana and the world.