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Eagle Ridge Christian School Inc

Eagle Ridge Christian School, Inc., is a nonprofit charity focused on education based in Cape Girardeau, Missouri.

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Eagle Ridge Christian School endeavors to raise and equip graduates who are academically qualified, spiritually equipped and physically fit. We aspire to produce graduates that are life-long learners and leaders in their fields of endeavor, valuable members of society, who love, honor, respect, and serve God, their country, and their fellow man.

The mission of Eagle Ridge Christian School is to provide a quality Christian education based upon the Word of God in an environment where students can achieve maximum success academically, spiritually, and physically in the pursuit of God’s call and purpose in their lives.

Eagle Ridge Christian School, Inc. (Eagle Ridge) has a long history of success as a major Christian Educator in Southeast Missouri. The school was founded in 1982, under the direction of Dr. Mark Carbaugh, and has seen over forty years of success in graduating hundreds of students into successful lives and careers.

The school has grown from three teachers serving 32 elementary children to a student population of over 220 students and 40 full and part-time staff serving 6-week-old infant care through twelfth grade.

In 1996, Eagle Ridge graduated its charter class. The next month, Eagle Ridge was incorporated as a separate entity from the church as a 501(c)(3) organization on December 22, 1997.

In June of that same year, a 30,000-square-foot facility was built on twenty acres to house both the school and Rock of Cape Church. They have since continued sharing space in this same facility.

In the fall of 1998, the school added a 2 and 3-year-old preschool program, as well as, a before and after-care program. In 1999, Eagle Ridge began offering food service including breakfast, lunch, and an afterschool snack.

In 1998, Eagle Ridge Christian School began accreditation with the International Christian Accrediting Association (ICAA) receiving full accreditation in 2000. Eagle Ridge applied for and received accreditation from the North Central Association of Colleges and Schools (NCA) in 2001. Today, Eagle Ridge maintains accreditation through the International Christian Accreditation Association (ICAA) and Cognia.

Cognia is the parent organization of the North Central Association Commission on Accreditation and School Improvement (NCA CASI), Northwest Accreditation Commission (NWAC) and the Southern Association of Colleges and Schools Council on Accreditation and School Improvement (SACS CASI).

The school continues to enjoy a growing, interscholastic athletics program through Missouri Christian School Athletic Association (MCSAA), and as an affiliate member of the Missouri State High School Athletic Association (MSHSAA). This enables the school to compete with Christian and public schools nationwide.

We have never seen such a demand in all the forty years of the school’s existence as we are seeing now. Calls continue to come in for students, but there is not always space to accommodate the requests. We have come to a place in time where the need is great for the school and we must expand to accommodate the needs of the community.

As Eagle Ridge has flourished in response to demand in our community, we have outgrown our current building. The church and school presently occupy a 30,000-square-foot building, where both entities share space. The requirements of the school have forced the Church to occupy less and less space with each passing school year. Each year the church has given up more space to accommodate the school’s need for more classroom space.

We believe this to be an opportune time for the school to begin moving forward with a new campus to meet all the needs of this growing ministry.

A new campus will provide tremendous opportunities for the school to significantly grow in all areas. Our preschool would immediately add over 100 students to our enrollment, who are presently on a waiting list. This alone would increase the school’s annual income by $500,000 to the operating budget and provide additional jobs for many families.

We have a vision to serve more people in our school. To reach that potential, we must increase the size of our campus and facilities.

The school has an opportunity to purchase 125 acres of land. This will allow us to build a 65,000 square feet facility that will allow us to fully educate, train, and equip our students’ mind, body and spirit.

The expansion will accommodate growth to more than 450 students, more than doubling our present enrollment. In addition, the new school building will also accommodate 100+ children on the waiting list in pre-school.

Key Features will include:
• Athletic fields for soccer, baseball and track for our successful athletic programs
• Modern facilities equipped with the newest and latest technologies to assist faculty and students to reach their greatest potential
• Implementation of the newest school safety and security measures
• Modern indoor gymnasiums suitable for all types of competitions
• Resources and spaces to ensure the education for special needs students

The leaders of the school have now begun a capital campaign to purchase land nearby its present location to build a new school building and campus.

This Capital Campaign’s goal is $18.75 million. This would include the 125 acre land purchase and construction costs for the new 65,000-square-foot campus.

Eagle Ridge Christian School, Inc., is identified as a Non-Profit 501(c)(3) under the Internal Revenue Service and is registered with the State of Missouri. The Determination is on file and can be requested.

You can search on “Guidestar.org” for verification of the school’s recognized status with the Internal Revenue Service.

The school is recognized as an exempt organization under the Charitable Organizations & Solicitations Law, Sections 407.450 to 407.478 RSMo 2000 in Missouri, Registration No: CO-335-23.

Children and youth today are faced with pressures we never knew, and many situations and tests that we find hard to understand. Their phones, social media, and societal pressures present distracting and complicating issues, bombarding them with misleading information, encouraging them to pursue shallow relationships, and offering empty promises.

Families in our community are seeking morally-based organizations and educational opportunities that will collaborate with them to uphold their traditional values, especially for their children.

Parents need help, and they are coming to Eagle Ridge because we offer an excellent and rigorous education that is also based on Biblical Truths.

We prepare young people with the lessons and tools they need to be academically successful, make sound decisions, and achieve a positive difference in our world.
We are asking you to consider supporting Eagle Ridge’s vision and dream. With your donation, the school can reach its greatest potential. Investing in the future of young people is one of the greatest joys a person can experience.

Eagle Ridge is that place, the foundation that will allow you to touch hundreds of students for generations to come. You would be sending a message through these students to a time you will never see! What is that message? It is the Godly values, principles, and morals, with high academic achievements that will create a future where mankind is able to reach its greatest potential.

Your gift will continue on through a lifetime and beyond, to multiple generations to affect change to people you will never meet. These students are the lifeline to the future.

Train up a child in the way he should go, And when he is old, he will not depart from it.
Proverbs 22:6 (NKJV)

This is your opportunity to begin a new era of Christian education and build foundations into the lives of hundreds of students, raising leaders to serve God, community, country, and mankind. The impact of what you do with your gift is immeasurable in the number of lives that will be touched and changed. We will be raising leaders to serve God, the community, the country, and the world for generations to come.

Your gift is one that will keep on giving!

Just as Nelson Mandela has said, “Education is the most powerful weapon, which you can use to change the world.”

Partner with Eagle Ridge and create a foundation for transforming students’ lives through education and change the world.

Eagle Ridge Christian School
4210 State Highway K
Cape Girardeau, Missouri 63701

Cape Girardeau, MO
A 501(c)(3) nonprofit, EIN 43-1751561
