multi-colored umbrella with a base that is a histogram

Data Umbrella

We organize data science and open source events for the community.

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40 people sitting at a workshop with laptops
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Science & Technology

Data Umbrella, founded in December 2019, is a global community for underrepresented persons in data science. Underrepresented persons can be of any self-identified category (gender, race, ethnicity, age, sexual orientation, disability, geographic location, socioeconomic level and others).

Data Umbrella’s mission is to provide a welcoming and educational space for underrepresented persons in the fields of machine learning, data science, artificial intelligence (ML/DS/AI) with the goal of advancing their participation in the data science and open source communities.


  • User or nonprofit avatar
    Roy Han

    Data Umbrella provides quality educational content on data science and open source projects from around the world.

  • Noemi Derzsy