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Ayala Foundation, Inc.

Shared prosperity for the Philippines, one thriving community at a time.

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As the social development arm of the Ayala group of companies, Ayala Foundation is committed to building shared prosperity in the Philippines, one thriving community at a time. Ayala Foundation implement programs under the following pillars: Community Development, Leadership Development, and Arts and Culture. The Foundation has established a Corporate Citizenship and Volunteerism platform that provides opportunities for sociocivic action. As its contribution to addressing the national learning crisis, the Foundation is also making Big Bets on Early Childhood and Digital Education.


Ayala Foundation Disaster Campaign

The Philippines faces severe challenges in disaster preparedness and response, as evidenced by multiple indicators:

  • Ranks first among 193 countries in disaster risk with an index of 46.82% (World Risk Report 2022)
  • Experiences an average of 20 tropical cyclones annually, affecting approximately 20 million people (UNDRR Global Assessment Report 2022)
  • 60% of the total land area is exposed to multiple hazards, and 74% of the population is susceptible to their impact (NDRRMC Strategic Plan 2020-2040)

Among the Foundation's major programs is the provision of relief operations and strengthening disaster resilience to affected communities. A donation of:

  • US$20 will provide rice, noodles, canned goods, and biscuits for a family of 5 for 3 days
  • US$50 can cover the cost of roofing materials for damaged structures
  • US$100 can fund rehabilitation works for schools in disaster hit areas


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    Brian Gallagher

    Always willing to help my homeland in any capacity, especially through the Ayala Foundation.

  • eric nghiem

    I have gotten to know some of the Ayala family personally and realized how heart centered and compassionate they are. I am happy to support any mission they serve.

  • Lin and Patricia Dai

    From Lin and Patricia Dai, of the ACTAI community, we pray for the beautiful people of Palawan.

  • Amanda Terry