YTB Cameroon is coordinated by three sisters from Yaoundé. One lives in Maryland and the other two in Cameroon. YTB Cameroon works in partnership with Youth TimeBanking to bring opportunities to members in Yaoundé to participate in Community CALM - projects and activities of reciprocity involving Care-Apps-Learn-Make projects to help develop local sections of communities and build solidarity.
Youth TimeBanking is a practice of service to others based on TimeBanking, which uses time as currency. YTB incorporates values from co-production and aspects of mutual aid, ideas of community currency, and the sharing economy.
Support YTB Cameroon:
Program of Youth TimeBanking, 501(c)(3), EIN 84-3685123
- Dr Elise Edjang
Lights shine brighter when they connect.
I gave because I truly care... - Kenneth McGill4
YTBCameroon is an AMAZING Organization directly impacting the lives of individuals and community. Thank you Dr. Elise Edjang for your dedication and servant leadership!!!
- Elise Edjang1
I am truly blessed to be connected to such a great vision.
I am honored to be able to pay it forward. Christine Gray 3YTB Cameroon says that everyone has something to offer. It is bringing the young people it serves the resources they need to learn — but that is not all!
It is opening up opportunities for these wonderful young people to expand their tal...Jonathan Cahn 3Giving in the name of Dr. Edgar Cahn, who inspired us all with his wisdom and inspired Elise, when she was providing him nursing care to launch time banking in Cameroon!