You Belong

Dignity and human rights for children and adults with mental health needs in Uganda. Reuniting from mental asylums back to family

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We work to get people with severe mental illness out of asylums back to their families, with support. We work with schools to train teachers about mental wellbeing, and to identify and help children who show early signs of mental illhealth. We work to strengthen the weak health system in low income countries such as Uganda, with training in mental health. We involve people in Uganda with lived experience of psychosis and other severe mental illness, who are in more advanced recovery, with the care of people in the early stages of managing their recovery. We believe in NOTHING ABOUT US, WITHOUT US!

Severe mental illness in Africa is highly stigmatised. It is seen as a curse from a spirit, or ancestor, of from a witch doctor. Most people go to a traditional or faith healer before they go to Western medicine. That's why it is important for us to collaborate with altrenative care providers, as they are embedded in local culture and community. This is crucial to our success in reforming famlies with their family member with a severe mental illness, and helping children in need to become more connected with their peers, family, and local community.

Beginning in Uganda, YouBelong , a charity registered in England and Wales, will provide grants so that a new pathway of 'care in the community' in East Africa.

United Kingdom


  • Rosanne Haggerty