The Tamari Foundation was founded by Abdallah Tamari in October 2012 in response to the needs him and his wife, Samia, saw in the communities they evolved in. Mr. and Mrs. Tamari wanted to perpetuate their family's dedication to the right to knowledge, the right to health and the right to justice and equality.
MISSIONThe Tamari Foundation's mission is to be a catalyst for change in seeding opportunities through education and preserving human dignity. The Foundation supports educational initiatives mainly through schooling projects, technical training grants, endowment funds and individual scholarships. It also supports projects in health, culture, as well as faith-based initiatives.The Foundation focuses its philanthropy mainly in developing nations (Africa and the Middle East) but also in Switzerland where it is based. PAST AND CURRENT ACTIVITIES The Tamari Foundation's main recent and current projects in education include: A partnership with the Imbuto Foundation in Rwanda to build and run The Early Childhood Development Center (ECD Center) in the Rutsiro district
Support for the IECD (Institut Europeen de Cooperation et de Developpement) program in Lebanon
An Endowment Fund with the Lebanese American University to provide financial aid to students
An Endowment Fund with LIFE (Lebanese International Finance Executives) to provide financial aid to Lebanese students in finance through the LIFE generation program
SEP-Academy to train Palestinian women in Jerash Camp in Jordan in embroidery The Tamari Foundation also supports organizations in culture such as ICAM (Institut des cultures arabes et méditerranéennes) which promotes Arab culture and intercultural dialogue. It supports organizations in health such as St John of Jerusalem Eye Hospital Group (for Palestine), the Children Cancer Center (in Lebanon) through the Math-a-Thon initiative as well as faith-based initiatives such as the Order of Malta (Lebanon) and the Fondation Philantropique Orthodoxe (Switzerland). The Foundation also provided scholarships to over 200 students at the University Polytechnique de GITEGA in Burundi.
- graham smithwick1
Let's show the governments that citizens of the world are ready to break free our brothers and sisters from assault on their homes in Lebanon