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Peek Vision Foundation

Peek Vision is a social enterprise that powers eye health programme providers to strengthen systems and service delivery.

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Two Kenyan women hold a smartphone with the Peek Vision vision test app open for children to test their eye sight.
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Peek Vision is a social enterprise.  The Peek Vision Foundation is a registered charity in the UK which wholly owns a not-for-profit company, Peek Vision Ltd.  Together, we are known as Peek Vision and we exist to bring better vision and eye health to everyone.

What we do:

Peek's software and data intelligence platform powers our partners to optimise eye health screening and referral pathways so that no one is left behind. Together, we aim to make large-scale, sustainable improvements to health systems. By 2050, we aim to prevent 1.25 billion people from needlessly losing their eyesight.

With Peek, eye health providers can identify gaps and inequalities in their services. People who would have been invisible to health workers or hard to reach are made visible so that nobody is left behind.

We offer partners:

Population-level eye health surveys & tools to understand prevalence rates and aid programme design
Screening and data capture by anyone, anywhere, using a clinically validated vision screening app
Scalable programme design and continuous optimisation
Powerful software to monitor journeys to care to produce actionable insights
This approach enables our partners to design programmes with multiple stakeholders engaged and with a population-level approach, continuously improve their programmes and track patients’ journeys to care using our data intelligence platform.

Our research is published in peer-reviewed scientific journals, and rigorous evidence is at the heart of everything we do. All of our work is impact-driven, supported by a talented, multidisciplinary team. We are united by the belief that by working together, we can make the invisible, visible in eye health.

United Kingdom


  • Ashish Verma
  • Rebecca Crawford
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    chandra sekhar koth
  • Venu Komakula
  • Narothama Reddy Aeddula
  • Kiran Kandukurti
  • Laura Bartolomeo