Nubia Health Center

Building a center for community health in Wadi Halfa, Sudan

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Nubia Health is a nonprofit organization dedicated to improving maternal and child health in Sudan by launching and delivering community-based health programs. The Nubia Health Center will bring best practice in community health to rural Sudan and undertake the following activities: 1. Proactive search: Working with Muso Health, a pioneering organization building community health programs in Africa, Community Health Workers (CHWs) and community members will be trained to search for patients through door-to-door home visits, to connect them with care early. 2. Doorstep care: CHWs will provide a package of evidence-based life-saving health care services in the home. These include family planning, newborn screening, and treatment for children with malaria, diarrhea, and malnutrition. 3. Rapid-access clinic: The Nubia Health Centre will provide rapid-access, nurse-led clinics to see patients referred by CHWs. 4. Inpatient care: For those patients that require overnight care for interventions such as fluid replacement, intravenous antibiotic therapy, or observation and inpatient unit managed by nurses and doctors will oversee care. 5. Research: The Nubia Health Center will train fellows from across Sudan on building community health programs and develop the center's research capabilities to generate evidence on delivering healthcare in rural settings. Nubia Health aims to build a care model and facility that combines the best practices in community health with cutting edge maternal and pediatric medical care.


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