Kahawatu Foundation

Improving rural incomes and livelihoods through the power of coffee

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Kahawatu - "the people's coffee" in Swahili - is a sustainable development initiative that is improving rural incomes and livelihoods through better cultivation of coffee. The Kahawatu Foundation works to make coffee supply chains sustainable in East Africa by ensuring that farmers obtain the resources and training they need to improve the production and quality of their crop. But it's not just farmers we support. At Kahawatu Foundation we invest in projects that will have a positive effect on the pride of coffee communities, such as strengthening the role of women in household decision-making, improving access to education for children, and increasing the availability of primary services like water and sanitation. Our activities focus on Burundi, Rwanda and Uganda, home to more than 2,500,000 smallholder coffee farmers. We currently support over 40,000 farmers and their families each year with continuous training on Good Agricultural Practices. Our goal is to transfer the knowledge that smallholders need to become more resilient - as farmers and households. Every year, thanks to the support of donors we invest between USD 800,000 to USD 1,000,000 in projects that directly support coffee communities.


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Build a classroom

Between now and 26th Sep 2019 every dollar donated to this cause will be generously matched by the MACQUARIE GROUP FOUNDATION under the terms of their grant matching policy East Africa has the youngest population in the World - with an average age of 19 years. As many as 85% of 16-30 year olds can't find work in the formal sector. A basic education is the bare minimum to give any girl or boy the smallest opportunity in life. While primary education is free in most East African countries, teachers are scare and classrooms are often overcrowded and ill-equipped. Our program works with existing schools to improve facilities. For USD 10,000 we can build and equip a new classroom, complete with desks, chairs, blackboards and access to water for sanitation. Our ambition is to build 5 new classrooms each year across Rwanda, Burundi and Uganda.

Feed fundraiser card link to Empowering women through coffee
Official fundraiser

Empowering women through coffee

Between now and 26th Sep 2019 every dollar donated to this cause will be generously matched by the MACQUARIE GROUP FOUNDATION under the terms of their grant matching policy Coffee grown by women - it's a thing, and it has a transformative effect on the position of women in coffee growing communities. In 2014 the Kahawatu Foundation persuaded the Governor of Ngozi Province in Burundi to donate an acre of land to a small women's cooperative with 131 members. The group called themselves Rama Dufatanemunda, or RAMA for short, translating as "let's be united" in their local language. Although most of the women belonged to coffee growing households that were already receiving training from Kahawatu Foundation, they weren't earning enough income to care for their children or themselves. The women of RAMA needed land to attain their goal of supporting some of their household and family needs on their own. Working together under the guidance of Kahawatu's lead agronomist in the area, the women cleared the land, fertilised the soil and planted 1000 coffee seedlings. It takes three years for coffee to produce a first crop so in the intervening period Kahawatu helped the women plant high yielding varieties of beans which allowed them to earn some income and set up a savings and loans scheme. In 2018 the women harvested their first coffee crop and sold it as a single lot of "coffee grown by women" to a specialty buyer in Europe - and again in 2019. Some of the money has now been re-invested in new land which generates additional income from the sale of potatoes. But by far the biggest transformation is the way this project has empowered the women of RAMA and given them new pride in their ability to look after their needs and those of their families. Such has been the impact of the project on the members and their immediate community that Kahawatu has since launched four other women's cooperatives in Burundi using the same model. The cost of buying, clearing and planting one acre of land is USD 15,000. Our goal is to launch 5 new projects every year between Burundi, Rwanda and Uganda.


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