Harmony Consolidator Foundation was created by a rwandese woman who herself has been a victim of the atrocities that Rwanda went through that culminated into the geocide against Tutsis in 1994 and is a witness to existing cultural and social barriers that prevent women from achieving their full potential.
Both Children and women are perceived by many as men's personal properties which make the latter entitled to subjecting their perceived personal possessions, i.e. women and children to all sorts of abuses.
Thousands of defenseless children in Rwanda are defiled sexually, abused verbally and physically while others run away from their homes fleeing constant parental conflicts, physical and emotional abuses and therefore dropping out of schools.
Teenage pregnancies and suicide rates among youths are on the rise in Rwanda due to parental neglect, weak child protection services and constant marital conflicts.
Employment in the informal sector of Rwanda is excluded from legal coverage and millions of women and youths employed in the informal sector including households, family businesses and construction sites lack social protection, are left to the whims of their employers and are subjected to so many unreported abuses.
Harmony Consolidator Foundation was created to promote harmony in the communities, families and workplaces through promotion of SOCIAL JUSTICE, CHILDREN'S RIGHTS and ECONOMIC EMPOWERMENT OF THE MOST VULNERABLE especially less educated/uneducated WOMEN AND YOUTHS.
Harmony Consolidator Foundation is seeking the financial support of $602,360 to execute the following four major projects:
Project #1: MY CHIDREN - MY CROWNS in Kigali is a seven (7) month project whose total cost is estimated at $173,360 and whose aim is to reinforce the capacity of all actors in the entire child protection system in Kigali including all social workers employed in all districts that make up Kigali city, elected grassroots' leaders, elected members of the National Women Council from the village to the sector level as well as elected members of family councils from all villages that compose the city of Kigali through a training of trainers that is expected to equip them with deeper knowledge on the following:
- Existing Children's rights Laws and Policies
- Existing Mechanisms on how to report child abuses
- Mental, Emotional and Physical developmental needs of childen
- Healthy Parenting Styles and their benefits
- Psycholgy of Child Molesters
- Basics of Counselling
- How to identify neglected children and neglectful parents.
Project #2: EMPOWERING FEMALE DOMESTIC WORKERS IN RWANDA is a twelve (12) month project whose total project is estimated at $348,000 and aim is to equip 1,600 young (aged between 13 and 30 years)and less educated (below grade 9) female domestic workers employed in households in Kigali - Rwanda with employable set of skills through a VOCATIONAL TRAINING, FORMATION OF THEIR SOLIDARITY AND SAVINGS CLUBS OR COOPERATIVES to end their isolation and create their voices and representation while professionalizing this particular sub-sector in the informal sector of Rwanda; ADVOCACY AND MENTORSHIP in order to END VARIOUS UNBEARABABLE ABUSES that female domestic workers are subjected to on a daily basis behind closed doors of households in Kigali including being forced into PROSTITUTION, social isolation, under wages, rapes, absence of paid leaves, absence of career advancement, instant dismissal, arbitrary pay cuts, etc.
Project #3: MY CHOICES - MY LIFE in Kicukiro district which targets 2,000 high school students and aim to raise a generation of healthy, ambitious, courageous, purpose-driven and responsible youths by seeking to reduce teenage pregnancies, transmission of HIV and other sexually transmissible diseases (STDs) among youths in Kicukiro district, school drop-outs, genocide ideology, excessive consumption of alcohol and the use of drugs among youths. The total costs of this project is estimated at $40,000 (forty US Dollars).
Project #4: PURCHASING A PIECE OF LAND IN KIGALI to serve as the future Vocational Training Center and counselling center for all vulnerable women and youth.
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