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Full STEAM Forward

Full STEAM Forward is an STEAM enrichment program for 3rd, 4th and 5th grade girls of color from underserved communities

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A lack of access to high-quality STEAM enrichment programs has prevented many young women of color from acquiring the knowledge and skills necessary to obtain higher-paying careers in STEM fields. If we want to close the equity gap in STEM, young girls of color must have access to programs designed to increase science knowledge, build self-esteem and generate interest in STEM careers.

We are changing the equation by offering:

  • Three years of free, high-quality afterschool STEAM programming
  • Synchronous weekly 1.5 hour classes delivered both in-person and on-line
  • Weekly hands on projects designed to encourage intellectual curiosity and teach the foundations of science and technology
  • Access to women of color in STEM fields to serve as role models
  • An Alumni program, involving the family, to ensure continued awareness of STEM Opportunities.

Our quantitative and qualitative results demonstrate the impact we are having. Our girls:

  • Have increased positive attitudes towards science
  • Have a better developed understanding of science
  • Academically outperform their peers in science
  • Love the program!
  • Demonstrate an impact beyond the program itself
New York, NY
Small organization
A 501(c)(3) nonprofit, EIN 85-0624226
