Freedom for Immigrants is an abolitionist organization that envisions a world without prisons or cages of any kind. We work to abolish immigration incarceration, recognizing we are part of a broader movement fighting for our freedom at the intersection of mass incarceration, immigration enforcement, and the deprivation of Black, brown, and Indigenous people’s autonomy. To empower our communities, we organize alongside and follow the leadership of currently and formerly incarcerated immigrants. We recognize our work is necessarily tied to broader efforts to eradicate white supremacy and the systems that sustain oppression. By cultivating the community-centered solutions that breathe life into our collective liberation, we actively build a future in which all people can move freely and thrive.
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- Kenny Leung7
50,000+ immigrant children and adults are being detained, many with no path to being released. Some have been kept for 9+ years.
Freedom for Immigrants fights for and supports these unfortunate souls.
- Jen Woodward3
An amazing organization helping immigrants and detainees being held in Detention Centers across the US. From visiting, helping them get proper paperwork for their asylum hearing, matching them with proper legal help and aiding them after th...
- Sina Mossayeb3
This country was built by immigrants. Its our privilege to give to the next generation of immigrants.
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