The France Alzheimer Endowment Fund for Biomedical Research, created in 2017 by the France Alzheimer and Related Diseases Union, aims to support biomedical research on Alzheimer's disease and related diseases and to promote the development of innovative therapeutic approaches in France. The endowment fund has three priority orientations, namely families, research and prevention. The latest trends account for 75 million people affected in the world by 2030. France Alzheimer is the first French association in terms of support to research on Alzheimer's disease. Every year, we dedicate more than 1 million euros to launch a dozen new research projects. Each project is selected through a call of proposals for academics teams. We currently support more than 50 research projects all over France. Since 1988, France Alzheimer has distributed more than 400 research grants, representing over 17 million euros. In 2017, France Alzheimer has created an endowment fund called Fonds de dotation France Alzheimer pour la recherche biomédicale (Endowment fund France Alzheimer for biomedical research) to support biomedical research on Alzheimer's disease and on related disorders and to speed up the development of innovative therapeutic approaches in France.