The Donors' Association The DSZ – International Giving Foundation was founded by the German Donors' Association for the Promotion of Humanities and Sciences in Germany. The Donors' Association was established as joint initiative of the German economy in 1920 and advocates sustainable improvement of education, science and research in Germany. It is simultaneously sponsor of the donation system and trustee of charitable foundations. The Deutsches Stiftungszentrum (German Foundation Centre)is the service centre of the Donors' Association for benefactors and foundations. More and more private persons and companies are taking on commitments in coalescent Europe and across the world. But well-intended help frequently fails to overcome bureaucratic hurdles. For example, German tax legislature denies donation deductions to organisations outside of Europe. Donations are theoretically deductible within the EU but in reality, this can generally only be achieved with excessive expenditures for donor and recipient. The DSZ – International Giving Foundation is recognized as a tax-privileged organisation. It pursues all purposes recognized in Germany as charitable and benevolent. The DSZ – International Giving Foundation supports the international project specified by the donor and takes care of the complete administrative process. The donor receives a donation receipt valid by German law. This offer is not only for donors who are looking to support an organisation abroad or for alumni of foreign universities but also for non-profit organisations not registered in German who are looking to collect donations in Germany.
