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Development for People and Nature Association

We partner with local organizations to address local community needs through sustainable development.

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History of DPNA

The Development for People and Nature Association (DPNA) was founded in 2003 by a passionate group of activists who saw the pressing need for a structured approach to sustainable development in Lebanon. Initially starting with a small, dedicated team, DPNA set out to tackle the challenges faced by marginalized communities, particularly those in rural and underdeveloped areas. From these modest beginnings, DPNA has grown into a prominent non-governmental organization (NGO) with a significant impact on both social and environmental issues locally and regionally.

DPNA's founders were motivated by a vision of creating lasting positive change through collaborative efforts and sustainable practices. Over the years, the organization has expanded its scope and influence, becoming known for its innovative approaches and impactful projects aimed at improving the quality of life for Lebanon's most vulnerable populations. The organization's growth reflects its commitment to addressing both immediate needs and long-term challenges, leveraging a combination of grassroots engagement and strategic partnerships.


DPNA envisions a democratic society built on the principles of non-violence, respect for human rights, and the full enjoyment of freedoms for all citizens. The organization aims to foster a culture of dialogue and peaceful conflict resolution, encouraging communities to work together to overcome obstacles and build a more just and equitable society. This vision is rooted in the belief that lasting peace and development can only be achieved through mutual understanding, collaboration, and respect for diversity.


DPNA's mission is to educate, empower, mobilize, and enable citizens—particularly those from marginalized and disadvantaged groups—to drive positive and sustainable change within their communities. The organization is dedicated to advancing human rights and promoting sustainable development, with a particular focus on rural, bordered, and impoverished areas that are often overlooked by other initiatives. DPNA seeks to create opportunities for individuals to participate actively in their communities and contribute to their own well-being and that of others.


DPNA has outlined several key objectives to guide its efforts towards a more just, peaceful, and sustainable society:

Promoting Civic Education and Participation: DPNA organizes a range of activities including workshops, seminars, and community events to enhance citizens' understanding of their rights and responsibilities. The organization places a special emphasis on engaging youth, with the goal of cultivating a generation of informed and active participants in the democratic process.

Spreading a Culture of Peace and Understanding: DPNA believes that peace is not just the absence of conflict but the presence of justice and mutual understanding. The organization runs programs that promote peace, reconciliation, and constructive dialogue within Lebanon and beyond, working to bridge divides and foster a culture of cooperation and respect.

Protecting Natural and Environmental Resources: DPNA is committed to environmental sustainability and advocates for stronger environmental policies. The organization works to educate communities about sustainable practices and partners with local and international bodies to implement conservation projects aimed at preserving natural resources.

Creating Positive Change in Local and National Policies: DPNA actively engages in advocacy to influence policy at both local and national levels. The organization collaborates with government officials, civil society organizations, and international bodies to promote social justice, human rights, and environmental sustainability through effective policy reforms.

Improving Leadership Skills Among Key Stakeholders: DPNA provides training programs designed to enhance the leadership and decision-making skills of municipal officials and other key stakeholders. These programs are particularly focused on rural areas, aiming to foster effective and responsive governance.

Supporting Entrepreneurial Initiatives: DPNA offers programs that provide training and resources to youth and women in rural areas, helping them to start and grow businesses. These initiatives are intended to reduce poverty, promote social stability, and stimulate economic development.

Past Activities

Over its two decades of operation, DPNA has implemented numerous impactful projects across Lebanon:

Civic Engagement Programs: DPNA has led extensive initiatives to enhance civic engagement, including voter education campaigns, democratic participation workshops, and youth leadership training. These efforts have significantly increased civic awareness and participation across various communities.

Peacebuilding Initiatives: The organization has played a key role in peacebuilding efforts by facilitating dialogue between communities, supporting conflict resolution processes, and promoting a culture of peace through education and outreach activities.

Environmental Conservation Projects: DPNA has undertaken various environmental conservation projects, focusing on protecting water resources, promoting sustainable agricultural practices, and raising environmental awareness. These initiatives have involved active community participation to ensure long-term sustainability.

Human Rights Advocacy: DPNA has been a strong advocate for human rights, addressing issues such as gender equality, refugee rights, and the protection of minority communities. Through its advocacy work, the organization has influenced important policy changes and raised awareness about critical human rights issues.

Economic Empowerment Programs: The organization has implemented programs aimed at improving economic opportunities for marginalized communities, including vocational training, support for small businesses, and microfinance initiatives. These programs have helped to alleviate poverty and promote economic stability.

Current Activities

DPNA continues to engage in a wide range of projects and initiatives:

Leadership Training Programs: The organization is currently conducting leadership training for municipal officials and other key stakeholders, focusing on enhancing governance at the local level. These programs cover essential topics such as decision-making, conflict resolution, and community engagement.

Youth Empowerment Initiatives: DPNA is leading several initiatives aimed at empowering youth, including programs that increase civic participation, provide vocational training, and support entrepreneurial projects. These initiatives equip young people with the skills and resources needed to contribute positively to their communities.

Environmental Advocacy and Education: DPNA remains active in environmental advocacy, running campaigns to influence policy and implementing educational programs to teach sustainable practices to communities. The organization continues to promote environmental sustainability through various outreach efforts.

Human Rights and Social Justice Projects: DPNA is committed to advancing human rights and social justice, working on projects that protect refugees, promote gender equality, and support minority communities. The organization addresses pressing social issues in Lebanon through targeted interventions and advocacy.

Future Planned Activities

Looking ahead, DPNA has ambitious plans for several key initiatives:

Policy Change Initiatives: DPNA aims to achieve measurable changes in local and national policies affecting the environment, youth, children, and women within the next three years. This will involve engaging policymakers, conducting research, and running advocacy campaigns to drive meaningful policy reforms.

Expansion of Leadership Training Programs: The organization plans to broaden its leadership training programs to include a wider range of stakeholders, particularly youth. The goal is to enhance decision-making processes and improve leadership skills, with tangible outcomes expected by the end of the three-year period.

Support for Entrepreneurial Initiatives: DPNA will continue to support entrepreneurial initiatives and economic opportunities for youth and women in rural areas. New programs will be launched to provide training, resources, and support to aspiring entrepreneurs, focusing on sustainable economic development.

Expansion of Civic Education Programs: The organization plans to extend its civic education initiatives to reach a broader audience, especially in marginalized and rural communities. Projects will be developed to promote civic engagement and participation on national, regional, and international levels.

Promotion of Peace and Understanding: DPNA will continue to promote peace and understanding by developing programs that foster dialogue, trust, and mutual respect. The organization will work to spread a culture of peace, solidarity, and human rights both locally and regionally.

Environmental Conservation Initiatives: New environmental conservation initiatives will be introduced to protect natural resources. These efforts will involve collaboration with local communities, government bodies, and international organizations to promote sustainable practices and environmental stewardship.

Humanitarian Aid and Emergency Response: DPNA is dedicated to providing humanitarian aid in times of crisis affecting Lebanon and the region. Plans include expanding the organization’s emergency response capacity to ensure timely and effective support during disasters or conflicts.



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Help in Lebanon – Your Support Can Make a Difference Today

Updated on the 15th of October : Right now, Lebanon is facing war. The escalating violence has already taken more than 2,309 lives and resulted in 10,782 injuries. Moreover it left more than 1,200,000 families injured, displaced, frightened, and without a safe place to call home. As of 3 October, the International Organization for Migration (IOM) had recorded 541,527 internally displaced persons (IDPs) since the onset of the crisis, reflecting an increase of 385% over the past two weeks. In the midst of this chaos, DPNA is working tirelessly to provide refuge for these families. Twenty three schools in Saida and nineteen schools in Jezzine District are already full of displaced people. As of the first of October 2024, in Lebanon, there’s a million internally displaced persons (IDPs)! We cannot do this alone. We urgently need your help to provide: Mattresses Blankets and pillows Winter kits Hot meals Hygiene kits Food kits First aid kits Essential medicines Medical supplies Women Dignity kits Washing Machines Clothes (for all ages and genders) Every donation, no matter how small, brings hope to families who have lost so much. Your generosity can provide a warm meal, a clean bed, and a sense of safety to those who need it most. Please, help us make a difference. Together, we can offer these families more than just shelter—we can offer them hope. Donate now and stand with the people of Lebanon in their darkest hours. تحديث في 15 أكتوبر: يواجه لبنان حاليًا عدواناً. لقد أسفر العنف المتصاعد عن استشهاد أكثر من 2309 أشخاص وإصابة 10,782 شخصًا آخرين. بالإضافة إلى ذلك، تسببت الأزمة في إصابة أكثر من 1,200,000 عائلة، مما أدى إلى نزوحهم وترويعهم وتركهم بدون مكان آمن يُمكنهم أن يعتبرونه منزلاً لهم. واعتبارًا من 3 أكتوبر، سجلت المنظمة الدولية للهجرة (IOM) 541,527 شخصًا نازحًا داخليًا منذ بداية الأزمة، مما يعكس زيادة بنسبة 385% خلال الأسبوعين الماضيين. وسط هذا الفوضى، تعمل DPNA بلا كلل لتوفير المأوى لهذه العائلات. في صيدا، هناك ثلاثة وعشرون مدرسة ممتلئة بالنازحين، وتسعة عشر مدرسة في قضاء جزين مليئة أيضًا بالنازحين. اعتبارًا من الأول من أكتوبر 2024، يوجد في لبنان مليون نازح داخلي! لا يمكننا القيام بهذا وحدنا. نحن بحاجة ماسة إلى مساعدتكم لتوفير: مراتب بطانيات ووسائد أطقم الشتاء وجبات ساخنة حصص النظافة حصص الغذاء مستلزمات الإسعافات الأولية الأدوية الأساسية المستلزمات الطبية حصص نسائية غسالات ملابس (لجميع الأعمار والأجناس) كل تبرع، مهما كان صغيرًا، يُحدث فرقًا ويُعيد الأمل للعائلات التي فقدت الكثير. يمكن لسخائكم أن يُوفر وجبة دافئة، وسريرًا نظيفًا، وإحساسًا بالأمان لأولئك الذين هم في أمس الحاجة إليه. من فضلكم، ساعدونا على إحداث فرق. معًا، يمكننا أن نقدم لهؤلاء العائلات أكثر من مجرد مأوى؛ يمكننا أن نقدم لهم الأمل. تبرع الآن وكن مع الشعب اللبناني في أصعب أوقاته. التواصل مع: ‏
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