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Development of Village Education

Opportunities for better education and health care for the underprivileged children

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Our Mission

DOVE’s mission is to assist underprivileged children by providing quality education, creating opportunities for education and job-oriented training in rural areas, prioritizing rural healthcare, especially for children, and conducting livelihood programs for women to enhance family income.

The Need

Current projects lack education opportunities for children of daily laborer parents, leading to high dropout rates and child labor. Increasing access to education is essential to improving their future, as higher education is currently difficult to access due to the absence of colleges in the area.

The Solution

DOVE provides learning opportunities for underprivileged children and youths in multiple districts. Strategies for school access include midday meals, feeding programs, and livelihood skills. DOVE’s programs provide individualized attention to students' needs, bringing more children into education.

Our Impact

DOVE has supported over 1000 children in completing arts, science, and technology courses. DOVE Children's Home supplies shelter, food, healthcare, and education to 120 children. Hundreds of dropouts have returned to school. DOVE Health Centre provides medical services to 40 villages.

Development Of Village Education (DOVE) was established in the year 2000 under the Societies Registration Act. Further it was with Home Ministry of India under FCRA making it eligible to receive funds from abroad to receive funds from abroad to implement development activities. A seven member board is monitoring the administration work as well as field activities. The area of operation is Tamil Nadu state in India.  The area of operation is Tamil Nadu state in India. The prime activities include Children’s Education, higher education for young people, Health Care, Women Empowerment, and Disaster Management. In the period spanning 20 years, development activities in a wide area of 12 districts in Tamil Nadu are underway targeting underprivileged children getting proper education and Health Care.

Current Projects
Children’s Education

Children from disadvantaged backgrounds who have no access to school education are organized and helped to get quality education in a concerted effort.

DOVE Children’s Home:

Further DOVE Children’s Home is running for the past 20 years with an intake of 120 children from poor backgrounds. They are given proper accommodation, food, health care, and quality education. They are from class 1 to class 12. The Children are from marginalized families who are in no way supported by their parents for their education. After they complete class 12 they are admitted in colleges for higher courses. Thus a child is fully grown up in DOVE Home till they complete college studies and land in a good job. A child's bright future is shaped at DOVE Home.

DOVE Health Centre:

DOVE Health Centre is catering to the health needs of people from 40 villages. People from this surrounding area have no access to medical help even for mild illnesses. Under the care of a Surgeon and support staff health care is provided for a population of 20000 people from the surrounding area. Periodical medical camps are conducted to enhance the health aspects of people living in remote areas. A full-fledged hospital with modern facilities is a long-felt need in this area that can give advanced treatment for a greater number of patients and can save many lives.

Women Empowerment:

In all the working villages women's groups are organized and development activities are undertaken with a major thrust on livelihood programs and savings. Currently, there are 400 Women Self Help Groups functioning vibrantly in the working villages.

DOVE financial support for College Studies:

For the comprehensive growth of the children, they need to pursue College Courses once they finish school education. With this in mind, DOVE is extending deserving young people from disadvantaged communities financial support to pursue higher education. More than 1000 young people have been helped complete college studies in two decades. Presently there are 40 students pursuing different courses who are in need of financial support. There are more students waiting for financial help to pursue their courses.



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