An organization for Excellence in Nature

Bangladesh Environment and Development Society (BEDS)

Committed to maintaining ecological balance and harmony between humans and nature

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A local initiative towards rural reconstruction and mangrove ecosystem restoration by establishing Sundarbans Eco Village as a Nature based solution in terms of livelihoods; biodiversity; climate change adaptation and mitigation
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The BEDS (Bangladesh Environment and Development Society) is a leading community-based, non-profit, environment and development-focused non-government organization committed to maintaining ecological balance and harmony between humans and nature. BEDS was established to solve complex environmental and social problems in Bangladesh together with local people through respecting indigenous knowledge and culture. BEDS was registered by the NGO Affairs Bureau, Prime Minister office since 2013 and the Ministry of Social Welfare’s Department of Social Service since 2011 The Mission is to build the capacity of the most vulnerable communities to ensure the sustainable use of natural resources, provide eco-friendly means of living, reduce the adverse effects of climate change, and improve their socio-economic condition while maintaining ecological balance. BEDS has been long working to develop the capacity of the local population to coexist with nature. With that in mine, BEDS continues to work in the following sectors: Environment and ecosystem; Livelihoods; Disaster Risk Reduction and Climate Change Adaptation; Clean/Solar energy; Water and sanitation; Wildlife conservation and protection; Women and child rights; Gender development; Relief and Rehabilitatio. BEDS has received the National Environment Award; BEDS has been selected as one of the 50 finalists of Equator Prize 2021; Energy Globe National Award in 2018; Annual Balipara Foundation Award in 2018; Divisional Environmental Award in 2019, 2018, 2017, 2016, 2015; Top20 District Development Award in 2018. BEDS’ implemented projects "Eco Village in Bangladesh" has been selected to be showcased at Expo 2020 Dubai's Global Best Practice Program due to its outstanding contribution on environmental sectors



  • Wing Him Tsang