About Water in Africa (Autour de l'Eau)

Water is a human right and a vital necessity.

Help people access safe and clean water.

Almost a billion human beings in the world lack basic access to clean, safe drinking water. Autour de l'Eau's mission is to assist people in rural Cameroon build and maintain sustainable, efficient water systems. In addition to financing and organizing the physical construction of these systems, we work closely with our local partners to ensure that our projects meet their economic, social, and cultural needs. Over the past eleven years, Autour de L'Eau has facilitated the construction of numerous sanitary toilets and mechanized water pumps in the city of Kribi. Having already built a water tower in Grand Batanga, our current focus is on completing a new water distribution system that will bring drinking water into the homes of four thousand people. Access to safe water leads to positive and sustainable change in terms of health, education, higher literacy rates and quality of life. Please join us in helping people in Cameroon enjoy the benefits of purified, safe water for drinking and sanitation. The American Friends of About Water In Africa is a branch of the French nongovernmental organization, Autour de l'Eau. Check out our Facebook page.

Increase access to water.

Contribute to the American Friends of Autour de l'Eau via credit card. For gifts by check: Write your check to KBFUS, write "Autour de l'Eau " in the memo section of the check, and send it to KBFUS, 551 Fifth Avenue, Suite 2400, New York, NY 10176 . Gifts by wire transfer or to contribute other types of property: Email KBFUS at: info@kbfus.org or phone (212) 713 7660.

About Water in Africa (Autour de l'Eau) is hosted at Myriad USA
About Water in Africa (Autour de l'Eau) is hosted at Myriad USA


  • Anna Shapiro

    A great cause, all should contribute.

  • Xavier Roux
  • Joseph Steinberger
  • Lucien Zayan
  • razia said
  • ventura-yvette Chalom
  • Xavier Roux
  • Lucien Zayan
  • Joseph Steinberger