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Yayasan Seribu Cita Bangsa

We work in remote Indonesian villages to end childhood stunting by training community health workers.

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Stunting is the most heartbreaking, yet avoidable crisis facing Indonesia today. Every day 5,000 children are born in Indonesia, and more than 30% of those children will lose up to 10 IQ points as a result of stunting and chronic malnutrition. The 1000 Days Fund was created as a bold approach to invent and test innovative, cost-effective solutions to help end stunting—a condition that affects 1 in 3 Indonesian children. Our mission is to end stunting by 2030. In our quest to improve maternal and newborn health, we partner with governments to build capacity, work closely with communities to deliver tools, train CHWs and advocate for national and grassroots policy change to address the root causes. Our growth charts are cost-effective, evidence-based, and endorsed by the Ministry of Health.

The 1000 Days Fund (legally known as "Yayasan Seribu Cita Bangsa") launched in 2019 as a bold approach to invent, test, and apply innovative, cost-effective solutions to help end stunting in Indonesia. The 1000 Days Fund is relentlessly committed to improving maternal and newborn health outcomes for the poor and marginalized. We partner with local governments to build the capacity of frontline health workers in impoverished communities to deliver high-quality maternal and newborn health care, address the root causes of stunting, and improve data aimed at evidence, advocacy, and policy change.

We are poised for scale.

Meanwhile, our obsession with marrying tech and traditional in-home behavior change allows us to make data-driven decisions on a daily basis. With the help of 31 full-time staff and 11 Quality Assurance Coordinators collecting data across more than 100 sub-districts, we unlock the power of data with interactive dashboards and reports that inspire smarter decisions. Against this backdrop, our in-house team of senior management and health economists undertake systematic and rigorous examination of data to address issues such as ROI and opportunity costs.




  • Karina S

    I believe in the cause and it's worth sustaining. 1000 Days Fund has proven the great efforts and impact to the communities in Indonesia. Saving more children from the risk of stunting.

  • Diah Saraswati