Ward 2 Mutual Aid

Mutual aid organization supporting neighbors in Washington DC, Ward 2.

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What is Mutual Aid?

Mutual aid is “cooperation for the sake of the common good.” It’s getting people to come together to meet each other’s needs, recognizing that as humans, our survival is dependent on one another.

Mutual Aid is a practice and politics that emphasizes solidarity rather than charity. It means we recognize that our well-being, health and dignity are all bound up in each other. It means that we understand our survival depends on cooperation, not competition. In this particular moment, we see that our health is also dependent on other people’s health, and we can literally save each other’s lives. Rather than disengage and feel powerless, mutual aid allows us to plug in where we can make the most impact — locally.

Mutual aid IS...

  • Getting people together in your community to provide material support to each other
  • Building relationships with your neighbors based on trust and common interest
  • Making decisions by consensus rather than relying on authority and hierarchy
  • Sharing things rather than hoarding things
  • Treating no one as disposable
  • Providing all kinds of support, ranging from food prep to childcare to translation to emotional support, and recognizing the value of all of them
  • A political education opportunity, where we build the relationships and analysis to understand why we are in the conditions that we're in
  • Preparation for the next disaster (natural or economic). Next time around we'll already have relationships with each other and know who is vulnerable and needs support
  • A great jumping off point for other kinds of organizing and movement work

Mutual aid IS NOT...

  • Quid pro quo transactions
  • Only for disasters or crises
  • Charity or a way to "save" people
  • A reason for a social safety net not to exist

DC Mutual Aid Network

The DC Mutual Aid Network (DCMA) is a grassroots community-led effort looking to take care of each other and keep our city as safe as possible.

  • DCMA is a decentralized, community-led effort, so there is no single group that runs the network.
  • There are autonomous groups for Wards 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, and 6. Wards 7 & 8 are served together by one group.
  • The DCMA Network is governed by the ward groups on topics of social media, website, fundraising, etc. The groups also share resources, best practices and offer referrals to other groups.

Ward 2 Efforts

Ward 2 Mutual Aid is part of the larger DCMA Network. Our concrete activities are:

  • Hotline
    • Volunteers staff our warmline, where Ward 2 residents can call and request assistance.
  • Groceries
    • We provide a biweekly grocery bag delivery to ~150 families that request it through our hotline or building captains. The bags include fresh produce, protein, dry goods, and requested household items.
  • Encampment Outreach
    • We organize a weekly supply drop to ~80 unhoused neighbors.
  • Building captains
    • We organize with local residents to utilize their leadership and relational networks. Building captains check on neighbors, relay needs, and assist with food donations and distribution.
  • Back to school
    • We organize with local parents to host a book and clothing swap.
  • Support for high risk/immuno-compromised individuals
    • We have been partnering with local public housing buildings to drop off cleaning supplies, masks, and groceries.

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D.c., DC
