Mission, Vision, and Values
Our Vision
We envision a restored global economy of reciprocity inspired by Nature and the Sacred in which all beings thrive.
Our mission is to enable collaborative action that bridges the original principles of ancient cultures into a new vision for sacred economics in service to sacred territories.
Our Values
The Fountain’s work is inspired and guided by the original principles including: Reciprocity | Respect | Responsibility | Relationship
What Is The Fountain ?
Imagine a global economic system truly aligned with care for the earth and the whole of life for the benefit of current and future generations, guided by the ancestral wisdom and technologies of cultures that have lived this way for the larger course of human history. This is the work of The Fountain.
There is growing awareness of the extraordinary wisdom originally developed and perennially sustained by the world’s ancestral indigenous peoples – peoples whose cultural genesis can be traced back to the original times.
It is in the return to the sacred origins and principles of this ancestral wisdom – calling for the unification of all peoples with the earth – that a return to balance and sustainability is to be found. The vision of The Fountain, and the extraordinary sacredness of its origin and seed, is of partnership between sharing original teachings, conscious collaboration, and being in action to activate sacred economics and sacred territories.
Through the deep understanding, experience and relationships contained in its ecosystem, The Fountain exists to catalyse this journey to reconnection and ultimately to unification through its vision, mission, and values.
The path forward is to restore a global economy of reciprocity inspired by nature and the sacred – bringing together conscious investors, philanthropists, whole system entrepreneurs, leaders on transformational economics and finance and holders of indigenous ecological knowledge. A multi-disciplinary, intercultural exchange united in service to the earth and future generations.
Our current programs
Mother Earth Delegation of United Original Nations
Gathering of elders from around the globe working in unity and in service to Mother Earth
Sacred Land Trusts for Sacred Territories
Protection of sacred sites of key importance for Earth’s preservation
Houses of Original Thought
Restoring esoteric knowledge of Mother Earth
Ancient forms of ritual and specially prepared offerings that restore and harmonize Earth’s energies
Original Principles Alignment Protocol
Educating business leaders on original wisdom and ways of being
The Fountain Flow Fund
Flexibly flowing resources to where they are urgently needed especially to original nations and their associated programs
John Ellison Muchas gracias por todo el increíble trabajo que están haciendo con la nación Kaggaba. Estamos muy agradecidos de poder apoyar a The Fountain, su equipo y sus maravillosos socios.
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Sophia Clémenceau I give to continue to support the Original Peoples and Mother Earth. I support with all my heart the work undertaken by The Fountain, so fundamental and necessary in these times of great planetary change.
May human consciousness fully awake...Stephanie Eskins Gleason A small token to support the work of the Kogi Land Trus