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Survivors Of Violent Crimes

Survivors Of Violent Crimes Inc is a 501(c)3 providing peer support/resources to Survivors. Nonprofit status 2017.

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Our specific objectives and purposes are to serve as peer support for Survivors of Violent Crimes and to provide CAM - (Complementary Alternative Medicine) service resources for healing, education, empowerment and to raise government and community awareness of victim needs and understanding of PTSD and different treatment modalities. We organize and engage in activities related to educating and sensitizing government, community leaders and the public about issues concerning Survivors of Violent Crimes such as victims rights, navigating the legal system and navigating the VCCO (Victims of Crime Compensation Office).
Keyport, NJ
Small organization
A 501(c)(3) nonprofit, EIN 82-2522657


  • User or nonprofit avatar
    Amy Ellington

    I gave because I never ever want a woman to go through my experience.
    I gave because I CARE and SUPPORT ALL SURVIVORS!
    Stand strong and keep going. Have faith! ...

  • User or nonprofit avatar
    Donna Ongsiako

    On behalf of Stacey Solomon-Allocco, $50 doubles to $100 in the pot for Survivors! Thank you!!!

  • User or nonprofit avatar
    Tiffany Ott

    On behalf of Stan Thornton $100 for Survivors!
