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Seeds of Wisdom

We support Indigenous Peoples’ self-determination to maintain and revitalize their traditions, ceremonies, and teachings.

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We are an ally to and in support of Indigenous Peoples’ self-determination in their efforts to maintain and revitalize their traditions, ceremonies, and teachings through grassroots funding, our media program, and sharing of teachings from Indigenous knowledge holders. Indigenous People, as they’ve been doing for thousands of years, are stewarding and protecting 80% of our remaining biodiversity - forests, waterways, grasslands. We all benefit from their guardianship.

When Indigenous communities are healthy and thriving, managing their traditional homelands, and have access to their medicines and foods, this contributes to: livelihoods, empowerment, biodiversity, less deforestation, meeting SDGs, reduced gender inequality, less forced migration, and improved access to resources.

We're dedicated to restoring the systems and unique cultural aspects that support Indigenous self-determination, wellness, cultures, values, communities, economies, languages, and families while rebuilding relationships with the land, water, plants, and animals that sustain us.

Our Values: Responsibility - to support the common good.
Respect - for the Earth, one another, all life.
Relationship - to listen, to understand, to honor diversity.
Reciprocity - supporting giving and taking in balance.
Gratitude - to appreciate all that nature gives us.

We are guided by an Elders Council from around the world. Their wisdom and lived experience is invaluable for the long-term sustainability and vision of Seeds of Wisdom.

Since 2012, through our funding programs, we've invested in nearly 200 grassroots, Indigenous-led projects/initiatives in 32 countries, on 5 continents, totaling nearly $950,000.00. In some cases, we're the only funder supporting their program. Protecting the Sacred is our main funding initiative. In 2021, we started Seeds of Trust, a multi-year, peer-to-peer learning and capacity building program. Also in 2021, we launched Fund for the Ancestors as a no questions asked, needs based fund to support Elders and Youth in their work. This may include attending ceremonies, conferences such as the UN's Permanent Forum on Indigenous Issues, or as in the case of Elder the fund was named for, bringing the Ancestors home from museums, colleges, or private collections, to be returned to their ancestral homelands.

Our media program uplifts the voices of the Elders through our Messages from Mother Earth series inspiring viewers with their wisdom and knowledge. We shine a spotlight on our Indigenous Community Partners through our mini-docs storytelling program. This serves as a way to understand the impact of the funding they received, what challenges they faced and how they overcame them, as well as bringing attention to outcomes that may not have been foreseen. In one program, a young woman was able to feel empowered to finally leave an abusive relationship. A language program employed local teachers who no longer had to leave their community for work. This meant they were not exposed to drug traffickers and kidnappers. In another language program, the youth were finally able to have a sense of identity and pride for their culture.

The Wisdom Treasure Award honors the life of an Elder who has dedicated their life to their culture and community. Past honorees include Oren Lyons (Onondaga), Tenzin Wangyal (Bon), Tarcila Rivera Zea (Quechua), Chief Caleen Sisk (Winnemem Wintu),. Marcos Terena (Xane'), Ilarion (Larry) Kuuyux Merculieff (Unangan, Aleut), Pauline Tangiora (Maori), Tom Porter (Mohawk, Haudenosaunee), Lydia (Lys) Kruiper (Khomani San), Chief Salaton Ole Ntutu (Maasai), Dr Miriam-Rose Ungunmerr Baumann AM (Ngangikurungkurr - Australia), and Bunna Lawrie (Mirning - Australia).

Marina Dl Rey, CA
Small organization
A 501(c)(3) nonprofit, EIN 54-2189687

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