The largest immigration legal services agency in Texas. Texas Roots. National Reach.

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RAICES models a welcoming society by fighting for the freedoms of immigrant, refugee, and asylum-seeking people and families. Since 1986, we've paired legal and social services with advocacy to protect and advance the human and legal rights of our community members in Texas and across the nation.
San Antonio, TX
Large organization
A 501(c)(3) nonprofit, EIN 74-2436920


  • User or nonprofit avatar
    We Are For Good Community

    We gave because we believe in the power of global community and that everyone matters. And sometimes you feel stuck. We want our immigrant friends to experience the full extent of their rights and know that they have like-minded friends in ...

  • User or nonprofit avatar
    Rafael De La Fuente

    People who are forced to leave their home countries in search for a better future for them and their children should be treated with kindness and compassion. No one wants to leave their home, it is a matter of survival. As an immigrant myse...

  • User or nonprofit avatar
    Tina Roh

    I believe that it's important to preserve the rights and dignities of immigrants.

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    Sabrina Pourmand

    In honor of Every.org's dear friend, Arturo de la Fuente. We are so grateful for all you do to make the world a better place and we're sending you and your family lots of love. We're praying for the speedy recovery of your grandma and great...

  • User or nonprofit avatar
    O Belinda Howell

    no family should face injustices in their home country or in our nation
