Join the Effort
In 2024, Project Dandelion proved the extraordinary potential of connecting solutions for a climate-safe world that is liveable for all. With nearly 300 partners reaching 250 million people, we’re connecting policymakers, grassroots leaders, and innovators to amplify solutions that work.
Your support will help us scale our impact, strengthen our infrastructure, and elevate women’s leadership globally. Together, we can turn bold ideas into transformative change. Join us and invest in breakthrough campaigns that will create positive tipping points for change.
Become a Dandelion today.
stephanie schwartz No better way to start off a new year that will rely on women powering change, than by powering the women who will be empowering them!
- Thato Angelina Gabaitse1
I believe in the vulnerable yet resilient power of women
- Emily Moody
The climate crisis IS a communications crisis
Sarah Henry Everyone is a Dandelion.
Wendy Anderson Climate intersects at critical aspects of women’s health & rights.