Nyaya Health Nepal (NHN) has been working to improve healthcare for underserved communities in partnership with the Ministry of Health and Population (MoHP) and municipal governments of Nepal since 2008. The aim of NHN is to build integrated care delivery systems, design and implement these interventions to scale a new model for healthcare in the country. The NHN approach is also to create an enabling environment to reach underserved communities in rural Nepal in line with WHO recommendations to build a robust health care system.
At present, NHN works in two municipalities and four rural municipalities of Achham District, of Far-western Province. NHN operates Bayalpata Hospital at Sanfebagar Municipality, a Municipal Primary Health Center (PHC) at Chaurpati rural municipality and a Community Health Workers (CHWs) network in other rural municipalities to improve access to healthcare. The CHWs networks are integrated with hospital-based care via NHN’s own Electronic Health Record (EHR) network.
Nyaya Health Nepal community health care model aims to improve the public health by providing rural communities with effective health care services in their own home. This model has helped minimize the health risk of women, children, infectious and chronic disease patients. Community Health Workers (CHWs) are an essential part of NHN Community Health Program model. They provide community-based services through home visits and NHN community health care program is being scaled up on a district level.
NHN mainly focus on three components of municipal integrated health care model, identifying the need of local communities:
Hospital based health care service
Community based health care service
Digital health care service
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