Our latest business initiative in Kenya is Beehives. We have started two apiaries with 25 hives each in two separate villages. The beehives are a long term investment that we expect to pay big dividends in self reliance for these communities. A purchase of 25 Beehives is about a $4000 investment. We received a generous donation from a donor who wishes to remain anonymous. Would you like to be part of the next 25 hives to start another village on the road to self reliance? Make a donation and designate Beehives in your comments.
The home for Meleon and her children has been completed and on March 27, 2021 her home was blessed by the local minister. Meleon is very grateful for this blessing of a new home made possible for her and her children through your generous donations. Thank You!
Gabriel, Caroline and Emmanuel, 3 of our students live with their widowed mother, Meleon, in this mud hut that has reached the point of collapse. Funding of $500 has been provided. We need to raise an additional $500-$1000 to build a new home with solar lighting and a water tank to store rain water off the roof. This will provide a clean, dry and safe environment with adequate lighting to do studies. It gets dark at 6:00 pm in Kenya year round. The water tank will eliminate long treks to fetch water for cooking and drinking.
Thank you for your support! We have reached our goal of 100 DFG's Kits to be distributed in 2021.
We are currently having a campaign to purchase "100" Days For Girls Kits with Reusable Washable Sanitary Pads to keep girls in school all month, every month. Period. Each kit costs $10. We purchase these kits from a Days For Girls Sewing Enterprise in Kenya. So besides keeping the girls in school purchasing these kits also provides income to women in Kenya who sew and put the kits together. Thank you!
Mission Statement
No End To Love promotes self reliance with education, clean water, business initiatives and improvement of living conditions.
*Education sponsorships support students in finishing their primary and secondary educations. Our focus after high school is finished is to concentrate on job skills and income producing activities.
*Communities thrive when there is a clean, reliable and accessible water source. We assist communities in rehabilitating springs and establishing community based rain harvesting systems. We work along side Chip Morgan of Africa Water Bank (https://www.facebook.com/www.africawaterbank.org/) in Kenya to accomplish these initiatives.
*We support projects and initiatives that result in income opportunities for both individuals and communities. Projects range from raising chickens for eggs, meat and market, goats and cows for milk, meat or market. We establish gardens in communities for the production of food for consumption and market.
*Clean, safe, dry and adequate living accommodations are essential for families to thrive. We provide solar power for homes where electricity is not available. Students achieve better results in school when basic home lighting is available in the evening hours so they can study and read.
Money raised through fund raisers and direct individual donations go directly to No End to Love’s humanitarian and charitable purposes. Administration costs are self funded and supplemented with 5% from proceeds from our Savers Clothing Drives. We have no staff or rent to pay but there are always some expenses involved when running an organization.
No End To Love Inc. is recognized by the US Internal Revenue Service as a 501(c)3 non-profit organization. Contributions to No End To Love Inc. Are tax deductible under IRS 501(c)3 regulations.
Tax Exempt DLN: 26053553003810, EIN # 84-4844337
No End To Love Privacy Policy. Any information obtained through posts messages, ad campaigns or other interactions with our page will not be sold, shared or otherwise distributed to third parties. We maintain the right to use information collected to market our products and promotions to you.
- Heather Rangel2
No End To Love is changing the lives of families in Kenya, one family and village at a time. The ripple affects continue to expand as more people contribute to this funding community.
- Dell Hill4
We served in Africa for eighteen months and we saw great need and what a difference a small donation makes. We have known Margaret for more than fifty years and she is committed to the students of Kenya.
I love my Brothers and Sisters all over the world and so does Margaret 🥰
- Tina Roh8
The passion from the founder convinced me to support. In her words, "I am passionate about families getting an education. We have 21 students registering for school this year. The students are from 9 families, two villages and range in age ...
Akil Rafuna 1Give back for the sake of الله
Karen Martinson 2Margaret and her team know how to best help those who are really in need