Mandela University is committed to changing lives through education and empowerment. But we can't do it alone. We need your help to support our students who face challenges such as hunger and lack of financial aid. Please give generously to our #givingtuesdaymandelauniversity campaign this November, in conjunction with Giving Tuesday on the 28th. With your donation, and as little as 3 dollars a day will feed a student in need. Please make a difference in the lives of our students and our community and help them achieve their dreams and overcome their obstacles. You will be part of the Nelson Mandela University family. Please join us and give generously to change a life.
Sunjeung Kim 3Once a hungry student on campus, I'd like to help feed those who are in need
Paul Geswindt 1Every donation makes a difference and our collective contributions can make a more meaningful difference. I call on fellow Nelson Mandela University alumni and friends to support the University's campaign to raise funds to address student h...
Jen Su 1Thank you Prof Darelle van Greunen and Dr Ossie Franks for sharing the mission of the Nelson Mandela University Trust. Jen Su
Martina Osterndorff-Windvogel Marcel Botha1