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Mingarã. Association for Sustainable Development.

We promote community development projects for the most vulnerable, indigenous populations in rural and urban communities.

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Mingarã, Association for Sustainable Development, is a non-profit association registered in the General Directorate of Public Records under number 139, folio 1,471 of February 10, 1999. Registered as a taxpayer in the category of non-profit associations in the Ministry of Finance, in the Undersecretary of Taxation, in the Single Registry of Taxpayers RUC: RUC: 80019437-3.
It has more than 20 years of experience working in community development projects, strengthening local governments, public policy advocacy, participatory governance, and citizen participation, generating impact with territorial actions in water, sanitation, sustainable agricultural production, land use planning, climate change adaptation, and mitigation, and increasing the advocacy and lobbying of civil society organizations in public policies of local governments aimed primarily at the most vulnerable population (indigenous, rural and urban communities). Its projects are aligned with the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), the protection of forests, biodiversity, and ecosystems, and the implementation of actions to adapt to the effects of climate change on the population.
Institutional experience in the last two years:
Mingarã has led the Participatory Climate Action (2019-2021), working on aspects of Environmental Governance in the Gran Chaco Americano with the cooperation of EUROCLIMA+ and the European Union, with the support of Expertise France and GIZ. The action was developed in the Argentinean and Paraguayan Chaco with Gestión Ambiental (Py), the Unión Iberoamericana de Municipalistas (Spain), Fundación Plurales (Arg) and the Municipality of Philadelphia (Py).
It is implementing the project Voces del Chaco para la Acción Climática in cooperation with Avina with funds from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Netherlands in the VAC Program. We support young people from 3 indigenous peoples in their insertion in local plans for adaptation to climate change, community radio communicators, and sectoral governance of water and sanitation in the Chaco.
In 2021 it developed the consultancy for the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) of the arrival to Territory to the potential beneficiaries/participants of the PROEZA Project linked to Poverty, Reforestation, Energy, and Climate Change. The project benefits peasant and indigenous communities in the Department of San Pedro (Eastern Region). The project involves diagnosing and selecting Agroforestry System Models for 1,630 peasant and indigenous families.
Likewise, Mingarã developed projects of "Safe Return" to post-pandemic schools COVID-19; Sustainable Management of Water and Sanitation; "Resilient Schools," and Disaster Risk Management and Reduction in schools of the Paraguayan Central Chaco in cooperation with UNICEF and the European Union, benefiting more than 10,000 children and adolescents of 120 indigenous schools and 320 trained teachers. We have been a local strategic ally in Humanitarian Aid since 2008.
In Pandemia del COVID-19, we have supported the use of technology in isolated communities far from urban centers, the revitalization of community radio stations, and the development of a new radio network.
We have developed experience in actions for the promotion and commercialization of indigenous peoples' handicrafts, supporting the operation of permanent handicraft exhibition centers, open-air fairs, and national and international events with the support of the Inter-American Foundation (IAF) of the US government.
In the future, the projections of our work are oriented to focus actions on reducing the gaps in the fulfillment of the SDGs at the local level, facilitating the obtaining of resources to implement water infrastructure projects, sanitation, provision of equipment to alternative media in rural and indigenous areas, development of digital technology for civil society organizations in advocacy and lobbying on human rights, democracy, gender, youth.
Memberships. Mingarã is a member of the following networks:
Redeschaco: a network of networks oriented to achieve the visibility of vital issues and collective actions in the Gran Chaco Americano that allow the generation of governance. This is understood as the creation and strengthening of Citizenship and the incidence of activities in concerted public policies—articulation between NGOs, Grassroots Organizations, Companies, and Public Agencies.
Citizen Observatory of Water, Sanitation and Hygiene (OSCASH): is a coalition of civil society organizations that was created to contribute to the fulfillment of SDG 5.
Water and Sanitation Inter-Institutional Roundtable (MIAS Chaco): integrated by Non-Governmental Organizations, Grassroots Organizations, Academia, Central Government Institutions, Local Governments, and Cooperation Agencies linked to the water and sanitation sector in the Chaco whose objective is to articulate the actions of the different institutions, advocacy, and lobbying in the sector's public policies.
Climate Finance Roundtable: a coalition of environmental NGOs interested in making feasible the financing of actions aimed at climate change adaptation and mitigation.



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You can amplify the voices of Indigenous Peoples

Community radios help preserve language and culture, defend territories, promote civic education, and disseminate information of community interest. Your contribution will support training for local communicators, provide technical assistance, enhance communication equipment, and encourage the participation of youth and women in the Chaco region, Paraguay.
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