IDEAS For Us (IDEAS) is an Orlando-based 501(c)(3) non-profit organization and accredited NGO of the United Nations. Our mission is to develop, fund, and scale solutions to the world’s most pressing environmental challenges. We lead monthly environmental education and eco-action projects related to the sustainable focus areas of Energy, Water, Food, Waste, and Ecology across 13 branches worldwide. Each branch utilizes the IDEAS model to solve global problems with local solutions led by community environmental activists.
Our educational think-and-do tank called The IDEAS Hive serves as a communal meeting with sustainability experts to address the need, offer education, and to take direct action in paired environmental action projects. These projects include: native landscaping, shoreline restoration, waste cleanups, massive tree plantings, edible garden installations, renewable energy projects, green job training, and more! Partners in the community who receive these projects include: nonprofits, schools, rehabilitation centers, homeless shelters, affordable housing units, veteran centers, low-income neighborhoods, and other areas of communion.
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