Fungal Diversity Survey (FUNDIS) logo

Fungal Diversity Survey (FUNDIS)

North America’s nonprofit that documents and protects fungi and their habitats through mobilizing community scientists.


We don’t currently support donations to this nonprofit. To request we add support email us.

FUNDIS is working to protect fungal diversity through conservation, education, and community engagement for a well-documented fungal world. We envision a world in which the fungal kingdom is fully documented, appreciated and protected.

FUNDIS is a nonprofit designed to document and protect fungi and their habitats across North America. Our goals are to help create a detailed inventory of fungal diversity across continental regions and ecosystems, identify key ecological interactions, contribute to the broader scientific knowledge of fungal ecosystems, and execute conservation strategies that actually include our beloved Fungal Kingdom.

We exist to remedy the lack of knowledge about Kingdom Fungi due to chronic underfunding. We have 38 staff, hundreds of volunteers, and thousands of people rooting us on.

Please visit to sign up for our newsletter. Invite your friends to follow us, too. We can't protect fungi without community.

Kalamazoo, MI
A 501(c)(3) nonprofit, EIN 82-3721471


  • User or nonprofit avatar
    Fungal Diversity Survey FunDiS

    Fungi are foundational to understanding the whole world.

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    Rick Van de Poll

    Fungal conservation is one of the most essential tasks we can do as a species if we intend to save ourselves from ourselves!

  • Roberta Trentin

    Reciprocity lies at the base of coexistence. Learning from the fungi how to be a better human has been a wonderful journey.

  • Miles Adams

    Long live the mycelial networks!

  • Miles Adams

    #amycelialmovement #mycoindustriesgroup #squarethecircle #omahamushrooms