The Philippe and Yves Scelles Fund aims to abolish prostitution and to help its victims by making known the reality of prostitution and more generally assisting any philanthropic, educational, scientific, social, humanitarian, charitable actions. The Philippe and Yves Scelles Fund has been created in 2012 by the 2 Scelles's brothers who have been managing the Scelles Foundation since its creation in 1993, following the work done by their uncle Jean Scelles since 1956 against pimps through legal proceedings with a team of attorneys. Jean and Jeanne Scelles bequeathed all of their possessions to the Scelles Foundation. The Scelles Foundation has developed a large documentation center and has organized many activities in partnership with main NGOs and other stakeholders, engaged against prostitution across France and Europe, through advocacy, conferences, books, and events. A summary of those action is available at: One of the most important achievement in 25 years is the leading role taken by the Scelles Foundation with its partners to pass a law in 2016 in France to penalize sex buyers and increase support to prostituted women in order to help them to exit prostitution. In addition to the financial support brought by the Philippe and Yves Scelles Fund to the Scelles Foundation since 2012, the Fund has also been supporting the Coalition for the Abolition of Prostitution (CAP International) which is an advocacy vehicle for frontline NGOs and a global convener for change, regrouping 33 members from 27 countries. The fundamental objective of CAP International is to advocate for the adoption and implementation of progressive domestic legislation and international standards. Domestic advocacy is conducted by the CAP members in their countries, through meetings and conferences. International advocacy is done by the CAP management team through high level meetings at the head of International Organisations. Goal The Philippe and Yves Scelles Fund aims to make known the reality of prostitution by any philanthropic, educational, scientific, social, humanitarian actions. Mission The Philippe and Yves Scelles Fund aims to abolish prostitution and to help its victims. Future planned activities In addition to the ongoing support of the Scelles Foundation and CAP International, the reach of larger audiences represents another priority for the Philippe and Yves Scelles Fund. The Center for Research and Information on Sexual Exploitation (CRISE) is a new initiative with the objectives of providing the general public with information and advanced research on subjects linked to trafficking in human beings, prostitution and pimping.The first activity is the building of a web site in several languages (English, French, Spanish) with key information: . Basic information as well as some selected tools are gathered for reuse by multiples stakeholders. Another project will be to launch an awareness campaign "men talk to men about the shame of prostitution". A crowdfunding campaign will be launched. Then, engaging selected business segments, under the initiative "CONNECT" (Connect Business to Prevent Sex Trafficking) is a third key activity. Those 3 new initiatives are in a testing phase, and are planned to extend, once the concept has been proven.
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