Our Mission: To control and eliminate the most prevalent neglected tropical diseases (NTDs) among the world's most vulnerable communities and people by 2030.
NTDs are a group of parasitic and bacterial diseases largely prevalent in tropical regions that currently receive little attention on the global health agenda yet have a significant impact hampering the potential of individuals and communities at large. The devastating effects of NTDs include irreversible blindness, severe disfigurement, stunted cognitive and physical development, especially in children, malnutrition, social isolation, and more. NTDs also cause 170,000 deaths per year. Their comprehensive impact on all aspects of daily life means that the presence of NTDs costs affected countries billions of dollars per year in lost productivity, out-of-pocket expenses, and reduced socioeconomic and educational attainment.
Currently, 1.7b individuals are affected by such diseases. However, the treatments and knowledge required to eliminate these diseases are readily available, with the annual cost of treatment per individual averaging 50 cents per year. Demonstrating the uniquely cost-effective impact of NTD treatment, studies have shown treatment is the single most efficient means of improving children’s school attendance and capacity to learn. A recent report by Deloitte on Nigeria showcases the significant gains affected economies stand to make should NTDs be eliminated, with Nigeria’s economy estimated to receive an $18.9b boost from now until 2030. The report is available to view here - https://www2.deloitte.com/za/en/nigeria/pages/strategy/articles/Ending_The_Neglect.html
The END Fund helps ensure those at risk of NTDs need not experience such preventable suffering but can live healthy and prosperous lives instead. We do so by working in close partnership with stakeholders across the global NTD community to identify and fulfill gaps and needs in NTD funding, design programs, strengthen the capacity of local actors, provide technical support, and assist with monitoring and evaluation, amongst various additional activities. Our work helps children stay healthy and in school, prevents advanced cases that cause disability and restrain individuals' productive potential, and alleviates the disproportionate disease burden faced by women and girls, as well as the economic burden of disease on families. We have distributed more than 1.2b treatments since our founding in 2012, with 118m individuals treated in 2021 alone.
We envision living in a world in which all have the opportunity to achieve their full potential, with these diseases that have plagued humans for millennia confined to history once and for all.
- Ellen Agler
I'm passionate about the opportunity to see an end of the suffering caused by neglected tropical diseases and to support frontline organizations and community health workers making this amazing work happen!
- Meghan Kappus1
There is no greater ROI in public health than on deworming!