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European Molecular Biology Laboratory (EMBL)

EMBL is Europe's life science laboratory. Join us to help accelerate the next wave of scientific discoveries.

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EMBL is Europe’s leading life sciences laboratory – an intergovernmental organisation with more than 110 independent research groups covering the spectrum of molecular biology, studying the story of life. Our global challenges are diverse, but the thread of life runs through them all, from the smallest molecules to the largest ecosystems. Climate change, biodiversity loss, and human disease are all inextricably linked.
Discoveries in biology will have a positive impact on our lives and those of future generations. EMBL is accelerating these discoveries. Philanthropy is critical if we are to create a step change in the scale and scope of our work, and to make breakthroughs for the world.
Every gift has a direct impact and enables activities that bring important benefits for science and society. Please join us!



  • Sarah Kafatou