Community Health, Housing and Social Education (CHHASE) logo

Community Health, Housing and Social Education (CHHASE)

CHHASE is in promotion of poor children education, Old age home, monthly food groceries to neglected elders, Women Empowerment,

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Community health housing and social education (CHHASE) is a Grassroot Indian Non-Profit organization (NGO) Situated at Pannur village, 50 Km from Chennai, tiruvallur district, Tamil nadu state-India.

The organization was founded in the year 2001, by the group of Social minded people, who are interested in social work. CHHASE is an organization helping marginalized under privileged youth, women & Girls in India.

CHHASE is in promotion of Under privileged children education, Old age home, providing of monthly food groceries to neglected elders, Women Empowerment, Sustainable Livelihood, Girls Education, Gender Equality, Child Rights & Welfare, Agriculture, Environmental and Water issues for the Marginalized & deprived sections of the community.

CHHASE is registered under the Tamil Nadu societies Registration act 25 of 1975. The Foreign Contribution Regulation Act (FCRA), 2010. 12A and 80G section of Income Tax Act, 1961. ISO-9001-2015 certified, 2022 Top Rated Great Nonprofit and also CAF approved Non profit.


Attainment of Healthy, Educate & Self Reliant Community Through A Process of a nurturing, Sustainable Livelihood, Solidarity & Peace.


CHHASE India Help Alleviate Illiteracy, Poverty, Violence Against Women, Social Evils By Facilitating Empowerment of Women's & Girls From Deprived and Marginalised Communities.


Community health housing and social education (CHHASE)’s  main objective is that two Million women and girls of marginalized section may get graceful life, better livelihood, self-reliance, education and better health.

Community health housing and social education (CHHASE) India has been successfully working for the Welfare and Upliftment of marginalized community for last 23 years. The organisation mainly SUCCESSFULLY deals with the following 10 issues......

Our area of work ....

  1.    Education

  2.    Women Empowerment

  3.    Sustainable livelihood

  4.    Child Right & Welfare

  5.    Environment & tree planting

  6.    Health & sanitation

  7.    Agriculture & Livestock

  8.    Disaster Relief

  9.    Oldage home

  10. Disability




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