The Center for Human-Compatible AI (CHAI) logo

The Center for Human-Compatible AI (CHAI)

Academic research centre at UC Berkeley that carries out technical & advocacy work to help ensure the safety of AI systems


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CHAI’s research spans computer science, psychology, economics and other areas, and CHAI faculty and Principal Investigators include academics at various world-leading American universities. CHAI is one of the few academic research centres that is focused solely on the safety of advanced AI. They work on developing the fundamentals of safe AI which is beneficial to humans and understanding the complexities of the potential risks.

Berkeley, CA


  • User or nonprofit avatar
    William Kiely

    I gave to CHAI to promote CHAI's work related to reorienting the general thrust of AI research towards provably beneficial systems.

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    Brandon High

    AI Safety isn't a problem until it exponentially is a problem. We need to do good research upfront on this.

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    Michael Aird

    I think AI risk is an important and potentially urgent problem, and that CHAI does good work on that problem.
