CFH Inc. (Creating Foundations for Hope Since 1979) logo

CFH Inc. (Creating Foundations for Hope Since 1979)

CFH Inc is a nonprofit organization (501c3) focused on affordable housing options for first time homebuyers and renters.

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CFH Inc is a nonprofit organization (501c3) empowering individuals and families to successfully create a sustainable home in which they can achieve their goals and allow their children to build their dreams and reach their potential.

CFH provides First Time Homebuyer Opportunities, Down Payment Assistance, Security Deposit Assistance, Senior Assistance, Affordable Rental Homes, including managing a Mobile Home Park, and distribute food to support our residents.

You can find more information on our website at

Manassas, VA
Small organization
A 501(c)(3) nonprofit, EIN 54-1121171



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    Luis Castillo

    I gave because CFH works to enhance the lives of those who need a roof over their head and food in their stomachs, at every and any stage of their lives!

  • Luis Castillo

    CFH is such an impactful organization! Staff has a heart for the work and people served.

  • Harvey Plante