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Association Banque Alimentaire

The Food Bank was founded in 2002 on principles of sharing, donating, volunteering, solidarity & the fight against food waste.

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The main mission of the Food Bank is the collection of foodstuffs from various donors and their redistribution to needy populations via a network of associations and social welfare institutions throughout the country. It provides the link between donors and beneficiary associations by making its logistical resources available (storage, transport, delivery).

The Food Bank devotes a significant part of its aid to supporting social development actions, in particular the fight against school drop-out in rural areas. As such, we have contributed to keeping thousands of girls and boys in school until their baccalaureate giving them access to the right to food..


The Food Bank provides regular supplies to more than 200 associations throughout Morocco. Its objective is to free the beneficiary partner associations from food constraints. From here, the latter can fully devote themselves to their primary mission.

This objective cannot be achieved without the support and involvement of donors and volunteers.

The network of volunteers is crucial to ensure the successful completion of daily actions and exceptional situations.

In short, the objective of the Food Bank is to lift the food constraint to allow men and women to regain their dignity and become actors in society.


  1. Providing assistance in emergency situations

The Food Bank has distinguished itself in emergency situations and natural disasters (El Hoceima earthquake in 2004, floods in 2009, 2010 and 2014, cold waves, COVID, Earthquacke in 2023 etc.); It acts in consultation with associative partners and local authorities in the field. More specifically, by acting in the disaster areas by delivering food aid as well as clothes, mattresses and blankets. This is done with the aim of bringing aid to the people affected as quickly as possible.

  1. Fight against school drop-out in rural areas:

The rural world has elementary school in all the villages and douars of the Kingdom. On the other hand, secondary schools are less numerous and therefore further away from the students' homes. This is why the State, through the National Conference on Human Development, has built many boarding schools (dar talib and dar taliba) in order to limit school wastage due to distance. These boarding schools are managed by local associations, which need donors to ensure their proper functioning.

Also, the Food Bank intervenes by providing food supplies in non-perishable products and hygiene products (quarterly), by participating in the equipment of the boarding schools (mattresses, blankets, pillows, etc.), and by providing with clothes, school materials, and books according to the collections.

Today, there are more than 6000 students who are enrolled in the tar talebat schools supported by the Food Bank.

The result of this support from the Food Bank for nearly 15 years has been a significant reduction in the dropout rate in the regions concerned (less than 1% compared to 12% at the national level).

The Food Bank's ambition is to significantly increase the number of boarding schools supported.

  1. Rehabilitation of schools

Following the floods that hit the south of Morocco in 2014, it seemed obvious to the Food Bank to intervene for the rehabilitation of schools, in accordance with its objective to promote schooling in the rural world.



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