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AkiraChix provides young women in Africa, with technology skills to compete economically and bridge the gender gap in tech.

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Through a 360 approach, the codeHive program that not only focuses on building technical skills but also on increasing young women’s agency, The program offers young women who did not have access to a well-rounded education the opportunity to develop the most sought-after tech skills, equipping them with the necessary tools to compete equally in the tech industry.

We believe that the only ticket to decent work and economic prosperity is giving young women access to meaningful and well-paying jobs. With increased agency and that extra earning power, the young women are able to recognize their full potential in economic spaces and break gender norms; codeHive graduates in senior positions are playing a key role in creating more inclusive work spaces.

Nairobi, Kenya


  • Charlene Chen

    Congratulations on all the incredible work you do AkiraChix! As one of 5 women in my Computer Science degree, I'm thrilled that you are empowering the next generation of women in tech!

  • Joe Clark
  • Amu Maluleka
  • Negasi Zemicael
  • Lee-Anne Ragan