Yayasan Insan Guna Indonesia works with reputable, transparent, growing non for profits. With the Help of Right Reasons Funding, YIGI is providing charities and donors everything they need to increase impact, grow sustainably and make the world a better place.
YIGI has many projects across the country including establishing the countrys first non for profit mental health facility now servicing hundreds of patients in need every month. In combination with the BBB (Bali Bersama Bisa - Means together we can) mental health facility, YIGI suppourts BISA, the only suicide prevention hotline in Indonesia. Together with Right Reasons Funding, YIGI simply provides the consulting know how, project managment, events, marketing, reporting and funds to make NGOs' noble missions come to light. In the scope of mental health YIGI has also aided in bringing the first ever mental health awareness training to Indonesia. Together with the Right Reasons Funding Team, YIGI is able to lead the impact in Indonesia.
Right Reasons Funding and YIGI work in various humanitarian and environmental fields. Through the work of these organizations hundreds of Bali street children have been able to break the cycle of street begging and get into a safe house where education, food, medical care, empowerment programs are all provided. This program operates under conditions that the mother's of "said children" must also come into the center and receive training and empowerment to break the cycle of street begging and poverty. By empowering the mothers, educauting the children and allowing them access to further education itn breaks the cycle of poverty for generations to come.
In a country where gender equality has made massive improvements, there still remains insjustice twoards females in the overall global societal standards. Around 10% of women residing in Indonesia fall below the poverty line of $2.50USD per day. YIGI and Right Reasons Funding work to break the cycle of poverty through women's empoerment programs. This includes the programs of R.O.L.E. foundations "Bali Wise" program where young women are taken into safe housing, provided hospitality and tourism training, basic life skills, digital marketing skills followed by fair job placement. Through the work of Right Reasons (and YIGI), R.O.L.E. has been able to uplift nearly 200 girls out of poverty (organization has done over 1700 girls ).
YIGI is an organization with open doors. The board of directors and team believes in the power of community and that is why in partnership with Ragam foundation they have created one of Indonesia's largest, most productive community kitchens. The community kitchen features tons of food being prepped, cooked and distributed to the needy communities of Indonesia. By eleviating the burden of food for families and/or youth/women/children it allows their financial assets to be used for advancement in the quality of life. The team's dont stop with just food, they provide later education opportunities including Middle, High and University scholorships as well is empowerment programs within the community kitchen itself. Indonesia has strict guidelines on the documentation needed to attend public university and sadly thousands, if not millions of children falling below the poverty line are unable to attend school do to a lack of documentation. YIGI addresses this through a culinary course inside of the community kitchen that teaches self worth, communication, knive and cooking skills so these adolescents can find fair employment.
YIGI operates multiple permaculture gardens with youth and community involvement. One of which gadens is the "New Life Community Garden" in Suwung Bali. Suwung is the landfill where thousands of tons of plastic, organic and other forms of waste from the island and tourism industry ends up on a daily basis. There are hundreds of families and over 100 children living within the slums of the rubbish dump that have very little access to basic hygiene, clean water, nutritous foods and/or clothing. The permaculture garden provides a clean place for them to escape the "trash", find purpose in working with plants and animals, reep fresh vegetables and fruits while learning how to grow their own food. The New Life Garden focuses mostly on the children with it being part of their regular education provided by Bali Life Foundation.
Together with the Zero Waste Center by R.O.L.E. foundation, YIGI is educating the youth of Indonesia on proper waste managment, medicinal plants through positive action. Over 3,000 kids annually receive basic skills in waste seperation, composting, permaculture with a focus on medicinal plants, reef health and restoration. The programs are consistently running to educaute, empower and increase the future quality of life for INdonesia and the planet.
YIGI is a one stop charity leading the impact for Indonesia.They bring transparency, impact reporting, trustability and action to a country that struggles with these area's in the non for profit sector. If you or a foundation you know wants to make a difference in Indonesia, YIGI is the answer!
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