We’re a research and design lab for the social sector, working to transform child welfare. Led and guided by people who have been directly impacted by this system, we are a trusted partner across the national child welfare field. We work with government agencies, lawmakers, providers, advocates, and foundations to drive novel, scalable solutions at the federal, state, and local levels.
Radha Mehta 1I had the chance to get to work with parents who've lost their children to foster care through my documentary work with Institute for Family. I feel we need more resources towards doing what we can to keep families together, if not the imm...
Bernard Cummings Our youth need us. They need to know they are worthy, even if outside circumstances try to dictate otherwise.
Jitendra Jain 1Didn't realize how broken the foster care system was till Sixto's presentation...kids deserve to end up in a loving, nurturing environment, preferably extended family.
- Sabina Osorio1
All children deserve to feel deeply loved everyday.
Gabrielle Taylor 1I gave because taking care of all of our children is a priority and Think of Us has a sensible and powerful approach to achieving this goal.