Thanks to the generosity of our supporters, over 80% of national committee-selected UWC students receive a scholarship. This support allows UWC to continue to select students based on their potential and merit regardless of their background, race, gender or ability to pay. Our students enter as idealists and graduate equipped to succeed and create lasting, positive change in the world.
Most UWC national committees across the globe are run by volunteers. This volunteer network ensures that UWC’s unique selection process is possible. With selection activities taking place in over 150 countries and territories, we actively look for promising young students, many of whom would otherwise never dream of the opportunity that a UWC education can provide.
Why Support UWC
UWC is committed to ensuring that as many students as possible have the opportunity to experience a UWC education regardless of national, socioeconomic, cultural, racial or religious background. UWC achieves this through selection based on potential and merit and through the provision of scholarships. To continue this work, UWC relies on donations from alumni and other individuals, trusts, foundations, companies and governments.
"A UWC scholarship is a great investment in society. We are developing a global community of leaders who are aware of the world’s needs, steeped in the nuances and dynamics of international and intercultural cooperation and equipped with the mindset, skills, sense of agency and the global network to make a tangible difference in the world." - Faith Abiodun, Executive Director of UWC International
If you are a US taxpayer, you can donate to any UWC institution of your choosing by clicking on the “Donate” button above and indicating your intended recipient (School/College/National Committee/Campaign) under “Add a note for The United World Colleges (International)”.
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Kendra Sy So grateful to the UWC-Philippines NC for giving me the chance to be who I am today!
Matthew Sullivan we care about UWCSEA and their mission
Fabiana Ayala 1I will forever be in-debt to UWC
Gonzalo Lopez Jordan 2An experience that changed my life.
Artan Kadriju Macedonia :)
Claudia Calderon 1Bolivia