The Caring Center Inc dba True Care Women’s Resource Center is a Christian, life-affirming service organization providing emotional, spiritual and material support to women and families experiencing unplanned pregnancies. All of our services are free of charge.
The Center seeks to empower women to fully explore all of their choices—abortion, adoption and parenting. Our Center is unique in that we are truly pro-woman—we provide medically accurate education and information on all options and do not stand to gain financially from any choice she makes.
The Center is open Tuesday (2:30 pm-7:30 pm), Wednesday (1:00pm-6:30pm), Thursday (10am-5pm) and Friday (10am-1:00pm). A laboratory quality pregnancy test is administered by our medical staff. Women who test positive are offered a free ultrasound performed by a registered nurse trained in limited obstetrical ultrasound. Those who have a positive test and meet certain other criteria are invited to participate in our long-term patient care program, Baby and Me. An average of 10 young women each month receive mentoring, material resources and the practical skills they need to parent or to make an adoption plan for their children through our Baby and Me Program.
True Care Women’s Resource Center collaborates with many other agencies in town and is able to refer our patients for medical, financial and spiritual help. Adoption is presented in a caring, non-pressured atmosphere. We offer lay counseling for pregnancy-related issues and for women suffering the effects of abortion, known as post-abortion syndrome.
Since our opening in 1987, more than 11,999 women and families have walked through our doors. More than 2,481 unborn lives have been saved from abortion through the work God has done at True Care since 2008. (2008 was the year we purchased a database capable of tracking the number of lives saved.)
- Nicole Granaas
True Care was a blessing to us many years ago and continues to be so to our family and to many others.