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We're uniting a global community to illuminate the future of all children by removing one of the greatest obstacles-energy poverty

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Imagine night falls and you are plunged into complete darkness. This is daily reality for the 1 in 10 people worldwide who live in extreme energy poverty; that is, they live with no access to clean, safe, reliable electricity.

Extreme energy poverty is a global humanitarian and environmental crisis which is largely invisible to those in the developed world. Extreme energy poverty is known as the worst form of poverty because for 800 million people it perpetuates nearly all other forms of poverty. This compounds to catastrophic impact on the natural world, the air we all breathe and the climate we all live in. We simply cannot leave people behind if we are to make critical and essential inroads on climate change.

There is a solution! You can be the catalyst to grassroots, long-lasting, transformational change for both the most marginalised communities in the world and the planet. How? By giving the gift of light!

Light is transformational. Living without access to electricity means children are unable to study after sunset which devastatingly limits their education and traps them into an intergenerational cycle of poverty. They breathe in toxic energy sources like charcoal, firewood, and kerosene so the essential act for living, is killing them. We believe this is simply not acceptable and aim to transform the lives of people for whom social injustice, economic injustice and just simply staying alive is dominated by the lack of access to modern energy. At the same time, you will reduce the amount carbon dioxide and black carbon that’s released into the atmosphere, and reduce deforestation and forest degradation that occurs when around a billion people generate energy from biomass.

Your gift of a SolarBuddy solar light will distributed by SolarBuddy's incredible in-country NGO partners to children in some of the most marginalised communities, and the most remote locations in the world. A SolarBuddy solar light is purpose designed for children and for extreme environments. With a life span of at least 10 years, it will take a child through their crucial school years, forever illuminating their future.

Act now to transform lives and the climate.

San Francisco, CA
A 501(c)(3) nonprofit, EIN 84-3937145

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