Everyone should leave a meeting feeling more connected and more refreshed!
If that’s not true for your meetings, maybe it’s time to use some tools that are new and very old at the same time - for example rounds!
If you’re curious about more tools to improve your collaboration and make sure all voices are heard and work can flow, check out #sociocracy! A good way to learn is http://www.sociocracyforall.org/content
Sociocracy For All is a membership organization with more than 200 members worldwide. We're member-run and decentralized, which means that those members are decision-makers in their domains.
What we offer:
- free and accessible resources to learn - in a growing number of languages
- training and coaching for implementation of sociocracy
- networking and communities of practice
We reach thousands of people every month who care about effective governance that includes all voices.
Your donation supports our different impact areas:
- affordability: allowing affordable access to training
- localization: translating our resources so people can learn in their first language
- sector support: networking and continuous learning of people who are in similar sectors and can give each other meaningful support, for example eductors in sociocratic schools, activists in climate action, humans in sociocratic communities or coops, facilitators and leaders.
Read our social justice statement: https://www.sociocracyforall.org/sociocracy-for-all-social-justice-statement/
Read about our members and impact: http://sociocracyforall.org/sofa
Jerry Koch-Gonzalez To end power over and promote power with.
Pat Brinkman It is soooo easy to give with Every.org